MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do You Hate The Clickbait Crap On This S...

Do You Hate The Clickbait Crap On This Site?

"Iconic Roles Will Smith Turned Down"?! Really?! Seriously?! It's hard for me to express the depths of my contempt for the crap that "Jim" is linking to this--which COULD be a good site with valuable demographics--instead to making a buck.


...and yet I'm immediately curious which iconic roles Will Smith turned down. (I think the role of Neo from The Matrix was one.) So, no, it doesn't really bother me and I occasionally find some of the bait irresistible.


Neo was supposed to be Will Smith? Wow. And as far as I know Morpheus was supposed to be Chow Yun Fat. We'll get a very different movie if it was that.


That would have been interesting. Isn't it reboot o'clock for The Matrix anyway?


I love that The Matrix made Keanu cool....if only for a little while!


I think he was supposed to be played by Val Kilmer. Jean Reno was approached to play Agent Smith.


I have clicked on some too... all good. :)


That "crap" keeps the site alive, I don't see a single problem with it. None of it is intrusive.


So we should be clicking on it now and then, right?


That's up to you


I just meant for him to make anything off of it....
I just realized you can hide it too, so as you said it is totally non intrusive.


I like to make fun of the "Recommended for you" feature as much as the next person, but the reality of the situation is, you just gotta make a buck sometimes. I certainly don't expect for Jim to pay for all this "out of pocket". When you don't pay for something with a fee, you still have to pay for it with suffering through ads and what-not. We do it with TV, we can do it with MC as well, IMO.


I'm just happy that I'm no longer getting the ads at the top!

Sigh...still waiting for my Russian Bride to arrive.


Maybe she can't find you. Try setting out some vodka and selyodka on your windowsill. I'm sure that'll help guide her to your home.




LOL Mina!



Unless you're willing to finance the site, it's nothing anyone can't deal with. Just don't click on them. Have to admit the few I have have been laughably ridiculous


Aprpos of that, I noticed that the Donations button in the Applications navigation bar at the top of the page is gone. Did everyone lose it, or just us tightwads? If you still have your a Donations button, are you living in a clickbait-free zone?


It was moved to the bottom of the page. Says "contribute." Right under the link for "What the cast of last week's Living Dead looks like today. You'll be shocked!" :-)


Not convinced that being made to scroll through the clickbait trailer park is going to keep a generous mood going.


It's not a big chore. Only one row of photos


Truly, no life is complete without knowing The Terrifying Girl From 'The Ring' Grew Up to Be Gorgeous, IS IT??


Are you kiddin? I couldn't think about anything else for years!!


WTH is "Clickbait Crap"?

โ“ โ“ โ“


That's what the articles in the Recommended For You section are.

From Wikipedia:

"Clickbait is a pejorative term for web content whose main goal is to get users to click on a link to go to a certain webpage. Clickbait headlines typically aim to exploit the "curiosity gap", providing just enough information to make readers curious, but not enough to satisfy their curiosity without clicking through to the linked content.

From a historical perspective, the techniques employed by clickbait authors can be considered derivative of yellow journalism, which presented little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead used eye-catching headlines that included exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism."

Basically, their aim is to sell lots and lots of ad space and not to provide information.


OK. Thanks.



Google is your friend, movielad


Yes it is napster, but I'm lazy.



Shouldn't be. Burning a few more calories googling is good for body and especially mind


I don't think that would burn many calories, if any.



All movement burns calories. But the possible mental enrichment from googling and seeing other stuff is near-priceless. Never anything wrong with more knowledge, whatever the area.


Oh okay then.



"Basically, their aim is to sell lots and lots of ad space and not to provide information."

That's for certain, the not providing information bit. You think you'll be getting something with *some* amount of meat on its bones, only to discover it's like candy floss that dissolves into virtually nothing.


Doesn't really bother me honestly. There are so many sites with a much worse ad problem than this one does. On this site, it's just four ads down at the bottom of the page, and they aren't constantly loading new ads and using my data; it's just the same few ones. This one was worse recently, when there was an annoying ad right in the middle of the page, but that's gone now. I live in a rural area with poor internet, and I have an old computer, and this site is one of the easiest on my computer out of all the sites I visit. So, if it stays like this, I'd be glad. I don't mind a couple stupid ads so long as they just use a tiny amount of data, as opposed to other sites that are just flooded with ads and make my computer and internet connection cry when I visit them.


Sometimes I clicked the ads just to give this site some money it deserved.


I never do; I don't trust those types of clickbait sites.


They're mostly from Zergnet, which while cringe inducing they're quite safe.


I also live in a rural area,Kawada_Kira๐Ÿ˜‰


Not really, primarily because it's out of the way. It's at the bottom and organized. Nothing to the left or right.
