MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > All time favorite Cop/Private I shows......

All time favorite Cop/Private I shows....

Right now, I'm watching Peter Gunn on Decades.
My favorite is and always will be Columbo!
He always acted as though he was stumbling in the dark. He was always the smartest one in the room!
We were just talking about this at work the other day. There are so many cop shows to choose from. What's your fave?


Columbo was a great cop show, but I have to say I preferred Monk, because he was such a quirky and endearing character.


On this side of the pond it's Columbo. On the other side it's Agatha Christie's Poirot with David Suchet.

Monk is great.


Miami Vice, hands-down. I was obsessed with Crockett. Think I still kinda' am... Between him, the Ferraris, Armani suits & pastel ice cream colors, I was hooked from the first episode, not to mention Phil Collins "In the Air Tonight" from the pilot episode. So much style, so much cool! 😎

The combination of that song along with the reflections off of the hood of that black Ferrari in the middle of the night still gives me chills. And I'm still watchin' the reruns of it on COZI every night. I really need to just go out and get the complete series on Blu-Ray...


Miami Vice was a good show Maleficent. I thought Don Johnson’s later detective show, Nash Bridges was also pretty good. It was strange though to see Cheech Marin in a non-pot smoking role for a change πŸ˜€


Oh! I liked Nash Bridges too! I agree--odd to see Cheech as, of all things, a cop! πŸ˜… From what I've read, tho, his dad & uncle were police. Interesting...πŸ™„


I am really forgetful today - " Nash Bridges " ,a great show .IT goes to my original list also


That was a unique show. Very stylized with great music..... like a music video with a fun story!

I just thought of another good one! Moonlighting! I am amazed that I forgot it. I use to watch it every week! Bruce Willis was like nothing we'd ever seen before. At the time, we hadn't!


Good description of Vice. It WAS like a cool, hour-long video! 😎

I liked Moonlighting too! Who knew Bruce Willis would turn into a huge star at that time? Wow! It was a really fun show!


I liked Moonlighting too!

It’s kind of hard not to like something that features Booger πŸ˜€


I forgot about him! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


You all have mentioned most of my favorites; but who could forget the two brothers "Simon and Simon"?

Edit: I forgot "Hunter" with Fred Dryer and one of the "bestest" was "Magnum P. I."!!



Loved Simon and Simon! Those guys had great chemistry!
I never got into Hunter, but Magnum was must see TV!


Loved Magnum!! It had so much great scenery, i.e. Hawaii, Tom Selleck in those short shorts...πŸ˜‰πŸ˜… MY GOODNESS! He had such nice long legs... πŸ˜‚ And another show with a Ferrari! Love anything to do with Hawaii, plus the characters were fun & I loved how colorful it was with the Hawaiian shirts, beaches, etc. Very entertaining!

I ate at Tom Selleck's restaurant that he had at the time in Oahu, called the Black Orchid--loved the atmosphere. It was elegant and styled like the '20's or so. Lots of black laquered tables and glass. Larry Manetti, i.e. Rick on the show, happened to be there that night. He was walking around the place but seemed like kind of a tool--like sort of stand-offish. Who knows, tho--maybe he was having a rough night or something. It was still cool to see him, tho--I think he was a co-partner in the Black Orchid. And they had the best lobster I've ever eaten. πŸ˜‹ I wish it was still there...


"Tom Selleck in those short shorts...πŸ˜‰πŸ˜… MY GOODNESS! He had such nice long legs."

Sigh...I could only dream...☺️


Dragnet for sure because it was one of the first procedural cop shows, every cop show after that was inspired by it. Hill Street Blues, Chicago PD, Bones, Private Eyes (Canadian show), Person of Interest, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Law and Order.


Car 54


If comedy is thrown in ,then Barney Miller ,without a doubt


This is an excellent choice *if comedies are indeed allowed...


I responded to somebody who posted Car 54 ,a classic cop comedy.
Barney Miller is one of my all time favorites and it also added a little serious drama.

Someone also posted Police Squad ,another classic ,total lunacy


Fair enough col...i aint messing with you...your cop show game is too strong;)


just responding to thread topic


No worries
Meant it as a compliment!


Why no love for Hunter, guys... it's my favorite cop show when I was a kid.


I can't speak for others, but it's possible that there was something on another channel on the same night that our family always watched. That would be the only explanation I can think of.


Gunn, Dragnet, 77 Sunset Strip, Rockford ,Columbo ,early , original Law & Order , Hill Street Blues when it wasn't being overly liberal , and my personal faves ,Police Story of the 70s and best I have seen ,NYPD Blue ( not the ones with Caruso ) - Dennis Franz & Jimmy Smits were my personal favorites with Franz and Rick Schroder a close second


Also , Hunter , the years with McCall as his partner.
I enjoyed Magnum P.I. ,but not as a favorite


You love them cop shows!


"I enjoyed Magnum P.I. ,but not as a favorite"

Same here....


Great shows! Rockford and Columbo are BIG faves!


I loved Mission Impossible.
