What Are Your "Recommend For You" Topic Suggestion?
In the days before we discovered fire, the way a comic book was written: first, they created a lurid, shocking cover for the issue and then they wrote a story to justify the cover. Comics may still do it that way, but the crap in the RFY section OBVIOUSLY does. I recently learned the it's all written by freelancers, who only get paid if their piece is published, and the fee is based on how long the "article" is--the more pages you turn, the more ads you see. Do you think anyone edits these things, checks facts? Real NEWSPAPERS don't even do that now! The RFY piece is the epitome of the term "potboiler," something written to put food on the table. So, kids, how would YOU boil your pot? Some ideas:
The Theory That Completely Changes The Ending Of The Bible
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