MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What TV show today do you think people w...

What TV show today do you think people will still watch in fifty, sixty years?

I'm not sure any of them will be.


I think some of the true classics -- Lucy, Honeymooners, Andy Griffith, etc -- will still be watched. More modern, perhaps Sopranos, Seinfeld, Mad Man, Breaking Bad


Of the ones being produced and aired these days? Game of Thrones for sure. It will be treasured by generations of fantasy fans to come. Otherwise none really, except The Simpsons which is already a classic and certainly timeless humor.

Of shows in this era of television there are some that could get the "timeless classic" stamp: The Wire, The Sopranos, Deadwood, Boardwalk Empire, Mad Men and Breaking Bad.

After the next world war and the following energy crisis, world financial meltdown and climate changes with the poles melting and the sea rising, making the catastrophe of the world complete with whole countries and all the most populated areas uninhabitable, I am sure it will be nice for the survivors to check out some of the TV-series from the stupid old world, trying to figure out how all the shit could have come to pass..
