Playing the TR games.😉
shareNo one knows what TR is. I even had to respond to you on what that was and what?!
You are only a one year, now, one and a half year gamer. Not all gamers play TR.
Maybe you don't know all of them...neither do i.They are so many in the world...
shareIf you get a chance check out Dead Space and Mass Effect.
shareWell,i did play dead space 1and 2,on ps3 , also played mass effect 1.Y wanted to buy mass effect andromeda for xbox one,but after i've seen the reviews for this game,i decided not to pay 60€ for a messed up game.
shareSorry I didn't get back sooner. What did you think of Dead Space? It's not as challenging as RE puzzle wise, but the atmosphere and horror elements are outstanding. I haven't played the new Mass Effect game but the first 3 are amazing.
shareIt's ok,friend...about dead space : the only problem i had was with final boss and that puzzle when you have to put together that skull fragments (i think was in dead space 2).The new mass effect game has nothing new to offer,only some great graphics.Now i'm playing rise of the tomb raider on xbox one😉
shareI still haven't upgraded too PS4 or Xbox 1..... Still enjoying PS3 way too much.lol. I've heard great things about the new TR. The old ones were great .
shareHave you played TR 2013 on ps3? I also have the game of the year edition for ps3,also i can't wait for shadow of the tomb raider,it's going to be released this year😉
shareSadly I have not. I've gotten into Skyrim, Boarderlands, Mass Effect, Heavy Rain and countless others way too much.
shareBorderlands?it has some badass lines,anyway i recommend you to try the tomb raider,trust me,you won't regret it.By the way,have you tried the RE games for ps3 yet?
shareYep Borderlands sorry for the typo. Smart phones and thumbs.lol . I will definitely check out TR for PS3. What other types of games do you enjoy?
shareOn ps3..other games that i have are resident revelations 1 and 2,resident evil 6 and TR trilogy remastered HD,have you tried them?
shareI've never played Revelations, Re 6 was ok and TR Trilogy oh yeck yes. What do you think of the Fallout games?
shareWell,the only thing memorable about fallout was at the beginning with those nukes exploded everywhere,i didn't play much those games since i"discovered"tomb raider.Now i pre-ordered a copy of revelations remastered for xbox one😉
shareI understand. Fallout , Skyrim and the like can be kinda slow. Have you played Evil Within?
shareTennis. Seriously, I love just volleying but once it's time to start keeping score I rapidly lose interest.
shareI was a top notch snooker player at one time but I was spending every weekend away from home which is not good if you are married. Just play for fun now in my basement.