London has Fallen
They've been attack a lot recently
shareThey have had some terrible attacks in the UK lately (Manchester got it much worse than London) , but the Uk is tough. Londoners are tough. They went through a lot in WW2 and the IRA violence. I don't think they have fallen and don't think they will fall. They will stand strong and my heart is with them.
I still think that the UK is a safe place. We lose many times more people in the US to gun violence than the UK has lost to terrorists attacks, but terrorism just gets more attention.
I agree if anything this sort of attack just reinforces peoples resolve to carry on with their lives,continue enjoying themselves.
It's curious,how this attacks hapened every time when election day is close...
share That can be a factor, for sure. I read they also choose dates that are anniversaries of other attacks. Or they just choose a date that coincides with some event where many people will gather in one place, like a big concert or sporting event.
Wow what a needlessly aggressive post,I think you need to calm down.
What I said and what you understood are very different things,but the problem lies with your reading comprehension I'm afraid.
Firstly at no point did I say "as if nothing happened" don't put words into my mouth.
Secondly at no point did I even mention the perpetrators so I'm not sure how you think I am selling anyone out so as not to offend the terrorist.Again do not put words into my mouth.
Thirdly I did not mention the victims but it surely goes without saying that it is a tragedy.So for the third time do not put words into my mouth.
People need to,and if I know Londoners, and they will carry on going out,going to work.Do you know why? Because to do anything else would be to give in terror.
Do you know what else? In the UK we've been through this before.Remember the IRA? Do you think they represented all Irish?Do you think they represented all Catholics? Of course not and people carried on with their lives albeit with extra vigilance all through that time because rolling over and giving in isn't the answer.
You're aggressive and antagonistic,you want an argument but this is as far as it goes for me.
Yes, Mint. Unfortunately, that seems to be the attitude of a lot of people.
shareI agree. If you stay home cowering in the basement, then the terrorists win.
They want to cripple our lives and our economy, and the best way to defeat them is to continue living. Like the Boston marathon continues every year. Be wary, be observant, be prepared, but do not live in fear. Continuing to live is also the best tribute to the ones we lost.
I agree.
shareYep another Islamic attack here in the UK... and retards will still be doing the same old shit defending Muslims and saying Islam is a religion of peace, leaders saying we have to just get used to it.
"London has Fallen" change that to "Europe Has Fallen".
I really should just move to a country where this Islamic shit isn't tolerated. I should stop watching the news as well, day in day out new Islamic terror attacks all over the fucking place and no one doing fuck all about it.
The news and leaders will say all the exact same shit about this that they say every time then in a couple of weeks it will just happen again.
It all started with the attack in france.They thought that if keep joking about the islam,can get away with it,no one fight back?I didn't say it with hate,but it's the truth.
shareBashing on Islam and marginalizing it is counterproductive. Many Muslims live in my country and they are really nice people and there is no extremism whatsoever. It is not about Islam. It is about being a marginalized loser, looking for self-esteem in supposedly higher causes and also about brainwashing and politics. This is solvable by social reforms and breaking of the ghetto mentality. No security measures could fight terrorism that originates from the inside. It is not like checking luggage on the airport...
shareOf course it is about fucking Islam... these terrorists are always Islamic extremists.
Fuck knows how to fix the Islamic violence problem but a good start would be deporting every Muslim who is known to the police to have been fighting in the middle East or known to be extremist... why are we just monitoring these thousands of savages? Arrest & deport every single one & if they are home grown scum just lock them up and throw away the key.
What country are you from?
20 years ago "Islam is evil" was no topic of discussion. How it became "evil and medieval" for such short time? Strange, huh?
Christianity also has its death cults. The difference here is that the cult is a state policy - the state being Saudi Arabia and to some extent Qatar. I suggest you to read a bit about it. It is called Wahhabism and it does not originate from the dark ages, but from 18th century. This guy Saud, leader of a sand eating tribe, met the other guy Wahhabi, who was chased out for causing commotion. He was preaching that the Quran should be taken literally (now think what would be if people take literally the Bible) and watering it down was false Islam. Saud knew that there has to be an idea to bind and rule over people and Wahhabism seemed just fine. No long after he conquered most of the peninsula and even begun riding into the crumbling Ottoman Empire. The Saudis massacred thousand and destroyed holy shrines of the Muslims and everything they considered unWahhabi. The Ottomans got their shit together and send the Egyptians to kick their asses back to the stone age, which they did fine.
Today Islamic State it is just another rehearsal of all this - it is a Saudi dog turned rabid. Saudi Arabia and Qatar use Wahhabism for political gains and send radical preachers around the world. On a state level Saudi Arabia is like the Islamic state, less the massacres. It preaches literal following of the Quran, destroys ancient monuments, because they are considered unMuslim and maintains educational system that basically quotes the Quran on different topics. In a biology class you will be taught the Quranic Creation myth and Darwin will be mentioned as disproved heretic.
And when you talk like "Islam is evil" you are like the people who want to fetch political gains from sowing fear and hate on both sides. People like Trump, who banned countries victims of radical Islam and went to strike some "good deals" with Saudi Arabia...
I'm from Bulgaria.
That was profound,hi neghbour😉
shareAs interesting as this is. What do you think we should do here in the UK and other countries being targeted by Islamic extremists? And I mean direct action... no pussy ideas.
I get we have to change peoples views but that takes time & we don't have time.
Agree. Pussy ideas work only in long term, but a well fed and educated person with dignity won't blow himself for a bunch of virgins (virgins are overated anyway). Mass deporations are illusory. Also, have in mind that the radicals are just a tiny number and probably would be the eagerest to enter in the country or stay and cause trouble.
In short term Saudis should be diplomatically curbed down (instead of giving them weapons). They have to learn not to meddle in other Muslim countries by spreading Wahhabism and find other ways to fight their proxy war with Iran. Same holds for Iran. Hopefully the ugly fiasco with Islamic state will put some sense in their heads. Islamic State has to be wiped off the map. West should learn not to meddle in Middle Eastern affairs or learn to meddle smarter.
Sadly my vision for the future is a dark one. Even after IS is defeated in Iran and Syria and elsewhere, it will propably linger as a terror organization. People schooled by it will make troubles for years to come. They have connections, knowledge, money... It would be like a second al-Qaeda and probably worse (not to mention the the original al-Qaeda is stronger than ever, but for now it seems to be focusing on Iran).
Middle East and North Africa will be hit hard from the climate change. The oil prices will be going down as developed countries turn away from fossil fuels. These countries have to be strong and willing to tackle these challanges, but they are not. There will be mass migration. The West countries will probably respond to terror and crime with more policing and surveillance. And now even Turkey is going down the road of anti-western and Islamic rhetoric and frontal collision with their neighbours and the kurds. The things are getting worse and worse. Somebody to correct me if I'm too pesimistic.
I think you are right that things will get much worse & you definitely have a better grasp at the larger problem than I do. I am basically just posting whilst extremely pissed off because three terror attacks here in the space of just a few weeks & the one a couple of weeks ago directed against children.
You said earlier "20 years ago "Islam is evil" was no topic of discussion." I generally agree with that but around the time the twin towers were destroyed I lived in a mostly Muslim area & it made things very tense. I would never move back to that area the way things are now.
Climate change I am not 100% sure what to think about it other than I don't think humans are causing it (which I used to think because of crap on the news) Climate change is just a normal process.
With policing & surveillance that isn't working here as much as they thought it was which is why I want all known extremists here deported & honestly do not care about their "rights"
Lets say there was a crazy group of UK terrorists who hated people from Bulgaria for some reason and were blowing them up would you want known UK Bulgaria hating extremists in your country? And should they be protected whilst in Bulgaria whilst spewing hatred against Bulgarians?
I just don't understand why we put up with it... like Trumps travel ban. That made perfect sense to me but people went fucking crazy! I don't see the problem with stopping obvious threats based on solid information. Just check who is coming in and out your country seems obvious, Australia do it well, my cousin had plenty of checks before he could move there.
Banning the Muslims from entering UK is tricky. Is against the values of many Westerners and against the laws (as Trump now realizes). So this is illusory at this time. You could up the criteria for admission but there is still no guarantee that the bad apples won't get in. Besides, advanced economies need immigrants, like it or not. Let see how it will work out when the IS fighters start coming home to UK.
Arresting suspicious Muslims is also tricky. Especially preachers. That could lead to riots.
I'm not a politician, so I can't prescribe solutions, but it looks to me that many politicians are on the dumber side (smart people have smart jobs)
Climate change may or may not be caused by humans. Still, the security threat is real. If there is a chance humans to intervene, then it is better than doing nothing. Also it spurs new tech and makes the environment healthier - I'm OK with this and don't care much about whether is human caused or not.
Not banning Muslims. Banning known extremists (and throwing the ones here out)
IS fighters coming to and from are the ones I am talking about in part.
Check this vid out: it is about climate change & seriously I am against anything that fucks the animal kingdom up and hated Trump for calling climate change a myth but this vid and some others and things I have read have made me start rethinking.
The youtube vid might be pro Trump people? I am not really into that but the scientist seems to check out and so does his points.
This man expresses an opinion somewhat aligned with mine. Science is hard, climate is tricky and constantly changes. But exactly because of this his opinion is no more worthy than the opinion of others. This is how science works - finding the truth in conflicting opinions. Being rational is to agree with the majority of scientists and this guy is in the minority, even if he is right.
What I don't like about this interview is that the doomsayers are lumped together with the scientists. And he didn't seem so sure in his "No-s". Lush deserts, because of rain... OK, but rain is no good for large scale agriculture. For that you need reliable and significant supply of fresh water. He also does not mention what will happen when the glaciers melt away. Some major rivers come from ice deposits - Indus and Ganges easily come to mind. Climate change will suck for many people (outside Canada, obviously). As far as this doom and gloom helps to bring tech like electric cars on the road faster, I'm OK with all that, bogus or real.
As a side note, I'm surprised how many people, even scientists, believe that Galileo proved that Earth is not flat. The shape of the planet and its approximate size are known from ancient times.
20 years ago "Islam is evil" was no topic of discussion. How it became "evil and medieval" for such short time? Strange, huh?[/quote]
Because no one gave a shit when they were just killing and raping each other constantly.
[quote]Christianity also has its death cults. The difference here is that the cult is a state policy[/quote]
No the difference is, Christians aren't living in the name of their god when they kill, unlike Islam, that promotes killing. Nice try, but thanks for playing.
[quote]He was preaching that the Quran should be taken literally (now think what would be if people take literally the Bible)
I don't disagree with you that Saudi Arabia is the cancer spreading Islamic extremism, but it's certainly islamic culture that allows muslims to be used by them like that in the first place. Just look how the European Turks blindly follow their leader Erdogan. Modern muslims living in Europe and the US should break away from that and adjust to Western culture. If not, they should move to a place that fits with their views. I'll gladly help them pack their bags.
sharePeople, Muslims or not, are manipulated easily by politicians and quacks. I think that the problem with your Muslims is the ghetto mentality. It is like if your are teleported on a planet where everybody is naked. Wouldn't be better to stay in the ghetto of the dressed people?
shareThat's their own mentality based on their own culture. The efforts that have been made to help them integrate and lead succesful lives are unbelievable and still we're having problems with third generation muslim immigrants. The problem is that they grow up with no loyalty whatsoever to the country they live in.
shareSo weird. I live in an European city with a lot of muslims and they're not really nice people. They have a lot of crime, increased radicalization or anti-West sentiments and are hardly integrated.
shareWell, to be honest, our situation is a bit different. These people live here for ages, they are mostly rural and in the cities they blend fine with others. We have ghettos with gypsies that are sources of crime, but it is not as bad as in some major European cities. It is worse in rural areas.
shareI have family in Bosnia, I know how well adjusted to European culture muslims can be. But there's a world of difference with muslim immigrants in Western-Europe.
shareI have heard that the Muslims in Bosnia are discontent with the increasing number of Arabian visitors dressed in niqabs (the black ninja outfit) - something very untypical for the Muslims in Turkey and the Balkans.
shareYes, that's true. Although I've seen more niqabs in my city. And Saudi Arabia is also financing more and more mosques. Not a good development at all, especially considering Bosnia's economical en geographical position.
shareThis is so bad. EU should pay more attention to its backyard. The Balkans are such an easy target for destabilization. The Balkan states have weak institutions and security forces and their governments are easy to topple and manipulate by foreign forces. EU is ran by bunch of ultra naive people.
shareVery true. Although I don't think they're naive. They just have their own agenda and don't care enough.
shareSorry but nothing is going to achieve that. We've been through direct bombing in the two World Wars and all kinds of other attacks and no matter what some ideological extremist groups believe, you are not going to get what you want. Nobody is going to fall; we are defiant.
shareI'm afraid that ones is started,no one can stop this attacks,no matter what they do.In time,the terrorists will become more "inventive"in hurting innocent people and inflict more casualties.
shareThere's no denying we have a massive, massive problem in this country.
But London has not "fallen." We are defiant in this city and this country and we've been through things as big as this. Nobody is falling.
Thank you!
This is exactly what I feel. Nothing is fallen, and London will continue. UK and Europe will continue. They have been through worse.
They deserve it. They gave up their rights to defend themselves with guns, and now instead of their country doing it for them, the UK is using this opportunity to oppress the voice of it's people and go after the internet instead because people are speaking out against Islam (they have every right and reason to). What a horrible place. There should be a mass exodus out of there.
shareWhy to blame all the islamic people,for a few fanatics?
shareNo one is blaming Muslims... What people are blaming is Islamic extremists. Happy to clear that up for you.
shareWhere have you been? The overwhelming majority support and condone the barbarism of Islam. They are exploiting the riches of the western culture that has been able to thrive thanks to not acting like savages and are just biding their time until they destroy it from within by using terror, and democracy against itself. Once they become the ruling majority after spreading and killing, it'll be too late for people like you to wise up. You'll either be dead, or living under Sharia law. Enjoy.
Because moderate muslims are not doing enough against the fanatics. Too many share their anti-Western views. They go to the streets to protest against Trump, travel and burkini bans, but not to protest against muslim terrorism and radicalization.
shareActually they do.Do a little bit of research perhaps?
You call that doing enough? Ha! They're actually not protesting against muslim terrorism and radicalization, but against vague concepts like "hatred" and "division". And where are the tens of thousands of people who constantly protest Trump around the world? There are too many out there who actually condone these attacks. They are the ones living with these radicals and they hardly do anything to stop them.
shareAh Trump is your agenda.
You said they don't protest terrorism I showed you that they did. Then you turn it into Trump thing.
Yes because America IS the world isn't it!
I mention Trump because muslims apparently consider him to be a bigger problem than terrorism. You know any other organized protest that draws more muslims? I'd be happy to use that as an example.
I said "muslim terrorism and radicalization". Again, you showed me a handful of muslims protesting "hatred", not one of them criticized their own religion and community.
I'm not American, I have no idea how you came to the absurd conclusion that I believe the world revolves around the US. We were talking about the UK.
Nope still not getting the Trump connection.I've seen his name crop up too many times recently,shoehorning him into a conversation about a terror attack in London isd quite bizarre.
Nor why you think non extremist peaceful Muslims ought to condemn their religion or communities.
Do you blame all Catholics and Irish for the IRA?
Do you blame all Germans for the Nazis?
It doesn't matter what's your religion in order to be a crazy person.
shareWeird, because I already explained the connection. Trump is one of the things muslims have massively protested. Muslim terrorism and radicalization are not. It makes you wonder why so many do step up to condemn others, but not their own. Muslims should take more action against radicals in their own community. You expect outsiders to do this?
Northern-Ireland was more of a civil war kind of situation. But yes, I certainly have a problem with those not condemning or even helping out IRA terrorists. But the IRA is not causing any problems at the moment, so why should I be concerned about that?
Nazi Germany is not comparable at all. European muslims have absolute freedom to criticize their own community and religion. And again, Nazi Germany is no more, so I see no reason to be concerned.
You're mintberry aren't you! 😂😂😂
I thought it was weird the way you swooped in.I can't talk to you anymore bye.
Yes, just accuse people of sockpuppetry if you have no arguments left. You're the one who swooped in on me, don't turn things around.
But go ahead and laugh, that's such an appropriate reaction...
The fact is you've either deliberately misunderstood my posts for reasons that I can't even begin to understand,or you really are that stupid.
Either way I'm not giving you any more of my time.
I didn't misunderstand anything. I explained why I mentioned Trump and how I feel about others who have caused terror. If anything, you misunderstood me when I said muslims don't protest muslim terrorism and radicalization, or when you said I have a Trump agenda and think the world revolves around the US.
shareThere is certainly way, WAY too much "political correctness" that has completely hog-tied British society now. And that is one of the many things that has got to stop.
shareWhat are you talking about?
Do you mean the UK should have guns like the USA?
Lets say we had guns because you are in charge.... congratulations dildo! You just doubled the amount of casualties because now the terrorists are not just armed with knifes ans a van they can now run people over, shoot the fuck out of them then start stabbing them.
Lets say we had guns easily available here though for argument sake... how many civilians with licence to carry would be there with their gun? And how many would actually go John McClane to fight the terrorists (who would also have guns now you gave it to them?)
"They deserve it" Yea all the kids that got blown up deserve it? You are a fucking cunt..
Guns are stupid. It will certainly up the casualties. In US every week some psycho goes berserk and start shooting at people, because they didn't like his shoes or something. No different than terrorism. It is easier to have security measures against trucks, it is also easier to stop a man armed with a knife than one with a gun. How do you imagine the civilians to protect themselves with guns? A shootout on London Bridge? Scored by Morricone, perhaps? They will shoot more innocents than assailants.
Just for the hell of it, what sort of regulations do you think should be on guns? Not talking generally; what do you personally think, specifically?
And before you assume, I own several guns and believe in strong regulation.
Background check, No criminal record, waiting period, must pass a psyche evaluation, meaning no one with autism, schizophrenia, multipersonality disorder, etc should have one. I saw a blind person be able to get a gun, also shouldn't be allowed, so must have vision. Basically everything the country does for obtaining a driving license, only more strict and thorough, since they apparently give any idiot a drivers license these days.
shareSo basically, you don't want many changes that what exists. How about only being able to buy a certain number of guns in a year --maybe 5 --. I'd also like to see nobody being able to take possession of a gun until they pass an approved (by NRA and other organizations) course/test on responsible gun ownership & handling, and on how to shoot.
shareYou make no sense and you trolling is piss poor.
That's your solution,holocaust of muslims...why not christians or catholics,why not every person who desagree with you.If someone respond or look at you in a different way,kill him - right?
I'm not surprised that we are still alone in this universe with such behavior towards our people.😒
Hasn't anybody watch Scorsese's Silence and learn from the Japanese? Japan is a living example of how to repel foreign incompatible ideologies. In the movie it's Catholicism, but it can be adapted to any religion or political view.
For today's Europe, they need to have all religious preachers to give formal unacceptance of know terrorist organizations. Just put Osama's photo or other terror organizations' logo on the floor, then they only need to put one foot on it, of course just for formalities. Exactly like in the movie Silence.
Do this every few months and broadcast this live in national tv and YouTube. Any preacher who refuses to do this get deported. Done.