MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Amazon Will Spend $4.5 Billion To Priduc...

Amazon Will Spend $4.5 Billion To Priduce New Shows This Year. HBO Will Spend $2 Billion

Are Amazon's shows good? Not all that I've heard about them has been good. (Of course, even HBO has done crap like Hello, Ladies and Girls.) Are Amazon's originals 2 1/4 times better than HBO's, or do they just make 2 1/4 times more shows? I don't use Prime, so I'd really like to hear from you folks. $4.5 billion is a pantload of greenbacks.


I would boycott Amazon!

They are so unethical and I use to like them. Just because Bezos offers a $11.25/hr. wage in red states and expects people to work mandatory overtime, does not make his impression any better. BOYCOTT BOYCOTT BOYCOTT!


Do me a favor. Stay off my side.


You mean your thread?

Why are you so antagonized by me? Are you like uber Conservative or something and hate me boycotting?

I am not sure what I did to you; however, you were pretty pissed off after I agreed with you on the whole mining thing, only you were not for people getting paid good wages. I remember.


So you boycott Amazon but have no issues with multi-nationals NBC/Universal (owned by Comcast), Fox, Sony or Disney or Warner? How selectively hypocritical of you.

You really should just boycott all media/entertainment companies and take up chess or backgammon.


How do you know that I have not found any negatives on them yet? I actually do not currently have cable, so technically I have boycotted them. This internet is run by Spectrum, once Time Warner.

I think I am doing just fine right now.


"I actually do not currently have cable, so technically I have boycotted them"

Dude, that's a coincidence, not a boycott. I don’t drink Budweiser beer, but that doesn’t mean I’m boycotting Anheuser-Busch.

You will find "negatives" in all these companies. It's hypocritical to say you're boycotting some but sticking your head in the sand on others. You are either in or out, and it's not dictated by the convenience of saying you are boycotting a company that you don't patronize anyway…


They don't have something else to do with this money?


Appantlely not


$4.5 Billion? For shows? I don't know, man, that seems like a lot. Well, it is a lot. Shows you something about priorities, but it's their money so...

I've only seen Patriot, and that was very good. But not $4.5 Billion good.

I think Amazon does a whole bunch of pilots, that people then vote on (or something like that) and only produce what was popular. Basically, how I see it is, they make lots of stuff, that then don't go into full production. So maybe that accounts for the higher sum.


That makes sense, as it always does with you. Thank you.


You're welcome, R_Kane :)
