MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Searching through my IMDb ratings to fin...

Searching through my IMDb ratings to find only the foreign-language ones

Is there a way on IMDb to take my list of rated films and pare it down to only those where the primary language spoken is not English? I've tried using Advanced Search, but it only lets you include languages not exclude them (and even if we could exclude, some foreign-language films also feature bits of English dialogue so it wouldn't be a perfect solution).


The only way that you could do this if the creator of the search engine tagged each film with a primary language marker. I think IMDB even lists languages in order of usage... but in the case of as you said... films that have bits of English dialogue or multiple languages would probably confuse the search. You could search by country also... but that doesn't help unless all countries spoke different languages and countries would only produce films with non English titles. I would just start your own new list dedicated to foreign films... even if you've seen thousands... it shouldn't take that long. Even if they had a primary language filter... what would you do with a film like Babel? Where it is equally divided between three different settings? You'd have to count each word to get a definitive answer.


Babel's an interesting conundrum. I had never considered it foreign - maybe because it has a large English portion with stars that are prominent in America. After some thought, I think I'll reclassify it as foreign. >50% non-English dialogue, Mexican director, >50% box office made outside of USA/Canada

Yeah, I think the manual list is the best way to go. I started one a couple months ago but have found a couple stragglers after the initial look through my votes. 40 foreign films from ~1700 feature films.

I think I'll make a suggestion to IMDb to somehow implement a filter.
