MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Jim -- Is a watch list feasible in the n...

Jim -- Is a watch list feasible in the near future?

With the Trending section proving to be so wildly popular, and many of us discovering films and shows we'd have never otherwise heard of through it, I think adding a "watch" feature to the site would make it even more attractive to users.

Someone on a movie board just suggested a film I'd most likely like, and I'd have *loved* to be able to pop it on my watch list so I don't forget the title (which, undoubtedly, I will). This has happened any number of times in the two months I've been here, and it really would be a plus to have a watch list.

Thanks again for all you've done to create and improve this site! And for considering adding a watch list.


Grab a note pad and write it down.


That's how I do it, the old fashioned way.


I have half a drawer full of movies/songs scribbled on pieces of paper. Once they go in there, they never see the light of day...


Get to watching.

I dare you to watch all of them before you pass.


Before I pass what? :P lol

It's not a perfect system, but at least it doesn't work. I'll probably get to some of them, eventually.




My notifications are glitching too I guess...

Anyway, I got that bit. I was just making a joke :)



I used to have a MSWord file full of book and movie titles I wanted to watch/read/or check out. Same here, once stashed in there, forever stashed and forgotten about.


I somehow feel better for writing them down, even if I don't look at them again. It's weird. But I'm just as bad with online watch/read lists...


Keep lists on Letterboxd. Being able to list here would be ideal though.


I'm not on Letterboxd, and don't like going back to IMDb, so yes, having a list here would be great, if possible.

To me it goes hand in hand with the Trending section as far as being a big bonus for registering and staying on the site.


Letterboxd doesn't have forums & if it did it would easily be the best film site because of the way all its other features work.

I wouldn't worry much about lists and features in general on MC because I think it will all come in time... sure as shit the owner of MC is listening to people & has proven to be working as fast as possible to get new requested features in place.


What features does Letterboxd have that you like so much?

I agree, Jim is great about listening to feedback and getting things done as soon as he can do.


I want that next. Its almost perfect.


Almost! In many ways it's better than IMDb. I can't see how, eventually, MC won't succeed. It's pretty much a given.


Sorry about the late response.

Letterboxd features I like so much are being able to search for lists & being able to change the way you view lists & hide films you have watched and loads of other stuff.

For me Letterboxd is the best way I have to find film recommendations because hardly anyone is into the same shit I am into... I just log in then search "Asian Horror" "Japanese Horror" etc. then click lists and it brings up everyone's Asian Horror lists from there I click onto a list then hide all the films I have already seen leaving me with a nice fat list of shit I haven't seen that I can get recs off. :)

Also I use Twitter a lot & you can import your friends from Twitter if they have a letterboxd account & you can import FB friends as well.

Adding films to Letterboxd is piss easy as well & on every Letterboxd film page there is a direct link to The Movie Database & IMDB so I always go to Letterboxed first & use it as a quick way to jump around film sites.

To add a film to letterboxd you have to add it onto The Movie Database & the fact them sites work together is pretty handy especially since IMDB nuked the forums.

Another useful thing is you can see which of your friends have watched a film even if they aren't following back so you can find people easy that way and get to their profile quick... say I type in something really popular like A Tale Of Two Sisters guaranteed everyone who I am following who is into Asian horror will have seen this so then I can bring up the list of friends who have watched it and get to their profile from there. I find this useful because quite a few people who I follow use Letterboxd the same way i do for tracking Asian Horror films so being able to find their profile quick time is handy so I can get to their lists and reviews :)

Letterboxd is good for reviewers as well because it is convenient... lots of people don't even bother writing full reviews & just write a sentence or two.


Thanks for your very detailed response, Klownz.

Letterboxd would probably be more useful to me if the films and shows I like were an actual genre, as yours are, and if I were involved in social media.

It would be fun to be able to see which of my friends have watched films I've seen, and to more easily find films/shows I haven't yet seen that others with similar tastes have liked, while being able to exclude those I've already seen.


Even it you are not into really specific stuff you can use the same search method to find shit... if I ever was looking for recs I could type in "silent movies" "CGI Films" ... haven't tested them but it works the same.

Another nice feature is you can click on a directors film history & hide all the films you have seen... very handy for me with Mario Bava & Takashi Miike.

If you do join LB follow me & I will follow straight back :)


Meh. Not enough people use the watch feature for it to be any use on this forum.
