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What medium do you think is currently better: TV or cinema?

I would have said once cinema easily ... but now I'm not so sure.


TV is more like reading novels where cinema is more like a short story. An unfair comparison in many ways because you can cover so much more material in novels. So short answer, TV when it's done right like on Cable or Online services.


A very intelligent metaphor, meat.



With great shows like Legion, Fargo, Feud: Bette and Joan, This is Us, Brockmire and Better Call Saul, I'd say they're different, but roughly equal in stature.

And don't forget the biggest event of the TV Season: Twin Peaks return son Sunday May 21. I can hardly wait for that.
It was one of best shows ever on TV.



For me, Cinema, hands down. No matter how good a TV show is to me, they can never keep my interest to the end because too many aspects and characters get changed, evolved, de-volved, and just generally ends up not going in the directions that I like.


Both are disappointing.


T.v. because you can watch cinematic movies on the t.v.

Of course, to have cable, you have to have money and right now, with Spectrum, forget it!
