MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Rogue One Survey - Respondents needed!

Rogue One Survey - Respondents needed!

Hey everyone!

For my bachelor thesis, I'm doing a study about the perception of a character from last year's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. If you've seen this movie, and are willing to make my day by participating, please hit the link below!
Participation is anonymous, and filling out the survey only takes 10 minutes!

Thanks in advance!


Your thesis is on Star Wars? That's awesome!

Would you mind posting the questions here? I could answer them in PMs if you want, depending on the questions. I don't want to give away any personal info, but I'd be happy to share my opinions. I just don't want to click on a link from a poster I haven't seen around before.


Yeah, it's alright ;)

Unfortunately, I need people to fill it out on the website, because otherwise I cannot analyse the data in SPSS.
Sorry :(


Oh well. Could you at least tell me what character it's about? Or what your thesis is?

Or if I tell you what my answers would be, couldn't you put them into the website or add them manually somehow? Sorry I couldn't be more help.


Haha, I'll PM you. I can't say anything, because it can influence future participants.




You shouldn't be paranoid about a link like this Leia, as long as you don't type in any personal information you're fine :-)

I don't know why everyone seems to be afraid of links around here lately.


It’s safe. Qualtrics is a major survey site, and I’ve taken several of their surveys over at Amazon’s Mechanical Turk site. They've never asked for any personal information, and at most, will ask for your city and age. On rare occasions they will ask for an email for a follow up survey, but of course it’s voluntary and you don’t have to provide this.

I’d be willing to take a few minutes to take the survey and help the OP out, but I haven’t seen the movie.


Thanks; that's good to know. I did decide to take the survey last night, after PMing both the OP and Traveler. Nothing suspicious that I could see. Apologies to the OP for being paranoid, but all's well that ends well.



I won't say anything but at one point (around 50% of the survey I believe) I thought "you're really asking, man? Come on".

So anyway, once your study is all wrapped up, will you post it here?


You'd be surprised at how many people select the, in your eyes, non-obvious answer there ;)
That question is, however, extremely important for my research.

I will post the most important findings once everything is done :)


It felt important, indeed!

And well, thank you then! I'll patiently wait for your findings :-)


I bet I can guess what character it's about...

Is the thesis going to be about this movie in particular, or is this just one piece of the larger puzzle?


It's all about this character.
