MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Has anyone received a PM?

Has anyone received a PM?

I've sent several but haven't received a response.


I've received one but have not sent any.


Hey Popcorn Kernel! Just out of curiosity, did Jim implement the PM feature last week? I don't remember having access to these cool updates before that.


I'm not sure when it started, I don't come here every day. I think last week or the week before.


Hey Popcorn Kernel. I took Jim's advice and used the "tinypic" website to upload my avatar, which is a similar image that I once had on IMDb. Took me a few minutes to figure it all out, but if you want to upload an avatar, you'll have to use the URL field for message boards before uploading. I tried using the alternative field for "e-mail" but it will not work. Just thought that I would let you know.


Would you explain this avatar thing to me? I am confused about it๐Ÿ™


Where is the picture you would like to use? Is it on your device or on a website?


it's on my Mac


I had good luck using for uploading my avatar.

Once you're there, click "Browse" and then locate your file (I saved mine to the desktop for easy access and convenience). After your file is located, click "Upload Now!" Before proceeding any further, the website should then ask you to "complete a graphic" so that it can confirm that "you aren't a robot." Many websites do this for security reasons.

Once you reach the "Share Your Image" page, be sure to highlight and then copy and paste the URL that is under "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards." Before uploading your avatar to this website, however, simply delete the word "[IMG]" from both sides of the URL.

From there, you should have a working avatar. Hope I helped you in any way! Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.


So I did all that but did not delete the IMG thing I guess that is why if didn't work . Thank you


No problem! Glad to know that everything worked out for you. Please do not hesitate to PM me if you have any further questions or concerns! :)


Before uploading your avatar to this website, however, simply delete the word "[IMG]" from both sides of the URL.

That is VERY helpful to know. When I get around to uploading an avatar, this will come in handy. I doubt I'd have ever thought to delete [IMG] before and after the URL. Thanks!


So you either have to upload that picture to a sharing type of website like tiny pic or Pinterest. Or, to make this process easier, find that same image on the internet. When you find it, click on the image. Then highlight and copy it's url above in the website address field. Then come back to movie Chat and click on your edit profile button then paste that url address into the appropriate field then click save. Jim has definitely not made this an easy task lol!


Thanks. I know how the avatars work, but I chose not to use one.


No problem. Just thought I'd pass the info along to you.


Why did he put avatars on our profile but not when we post? Doesn't make much sense. I don't wanna go to someone's profile just to see their avatar.


I agree.


Did you receive my latest reply?


If you're talking to me ,yes I did.


Sent and receive a couple.


I've received a PM. Thank you


I've sent a few and they've been fine. Maybe just a glitch.


I have not.

