MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > UPDATE: PM's, Trailers, Avatars, News

UPDATE: PM's, Trailers, Avatars, News

I'm excited to announce that MovieChat has just added private messages, movie trailers, and avatars.

1. PRIVATE MESSAGES: You can click "message" on another user's profile to private message them. Click on the envelope/mail icon in the top right to view your private messages.

2. TRAILERS: You'll now see a "trailer" button on movies that have trailers available to view. This button is in addition to the "Watch Now", "Get DVD", and "Get Tickets" buttons that appear on some selected movies.

3. AVATARS: You can add an avatar to your profile page. Go to your profile (click your username / person icon in the top right), click edit profile, and paste in the URL to an image (if you need to upload an image, you can use something like, which will generate a link you can paste here). To keep the site clean and streamlined, and reduce loading times, we've decided to only show avatars on your profile page - not on your individual posts.

4. NEWS: You'll now see a "News, Rumors & Gossip" tab on the general discussion board, as well as on people/actor boards. This pulls in recent news from a variety of sources for the particular person, or general entertainment news in the case of the general discussion board. Replying to these news stories will create a new thread with that story (under the "Threads" tab). Hopefully this can generate some discussion ideas, or just keep you up to date on the latest news.

5. ADS: We've also added some basic ads to help support the site and pay for server/hosting fees (which have been piling up with a database our size). We're going to experiment with these in terms of format, positioning, etc. Hopefully they're not too intrusive and we're open to any and all feedback from the community.

Lastly, we're currently working on creating a set of written rules and guidelines which will be shared with the community and open to feedback. Look out for that in a future UPDATE post.

Hope you enjoy.


Great update Jim!



I love the look of updates in the morning.

Thanks, Jim!


My avatar doesn't upload.


If you're using Tinypic, make sure you copy the "Direct Link" that ends in the file extension (.jpg, .png, .gif, etc.).


I did, but it says this picture has been deleted or moved


Did you get it to work yet?


No,it's not working,wouldn't be easier that for avatar to use a picture from my phone and uploaded directly from there? i don't want to be rude,but it' s working on other sites


Can you post the link here? I'll test it out



Hmm not sure why it's not working for you, but nevertheless I set it manually on your account so it should appear now.


I just did mine. It worked on the first shot so no problems for me!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ


Thank you,jim.


News is a nice touch


This site is well on it's way to being right up there with IMDb!!!!

Keep on keeping on Jim!!!! πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ†πŸŽ‡πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ


Thanks for the update Jim !


So i guess that, for adding an avatar on my profile i need a computer?

Good work with the updates,though,it's start to be like imdb with each day that passes☺


YESSSSS, PMs! Thanks so much, Jim.

Personally I don't care about avatars, or news, or even ads, but DO care about PMs, very much so. Also about written rules and guidelines. For most of us your guideline of common sense was enough, but obviously for some it wasn't and never will be.

I realise it must be something of a pain to you to deal with all of this sort of thing that makes a forum, rather than simply being able to enjoy and use it, as I imagine you were once able to do on IMDb. But I assure you that most of us -- whether former IMDb posters or lurkers -- very sincerely THANK YOU!
