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How old were you when you first chatted with someone online?

I was 14. I remember it pretty perfectly. It was in a computer lab with a dozen people or so, we all knew each other and were playing around with this new technology called the internet. Ever heard of it? It's pretty cool and has a lot of uses, however, people seem to use it in the most mundane ways.

For instance, back in 1994, we were a group in a computer lab, chatting with each other and having fun with chat rooms. We'd send a message, then look at the person, who would laugh, and look back at me. It was fun, but I remember how ridiculous it was, talking to people online when they were literally a few feet away. But it was new technology, and we were just having fun with it.

Flash forward 20 years. I'm sitting in a restaurant with a group of people. We're all friends, so it wasn't like an awkward dinner with a bunch of strangers and a few people who were friends with each other. This girl sitting next to me pulled out her phone and texted a guy a question about a ride but he was sitting across the table. I saw her send the text and asked her why she didn't just shout across the table. It wasn't like we were all quiet or anything. She said he was too far and this was easier. Seriously? Pulling out a phone and punching virtual keys is easier than just talking?

So I yelled across the table to the guy that he has a text and should look at his phone. He pulled it out, looked at the girls text, and then nodded. Easy. I looked at her and shook my head, and I think I muttered something in the lines of, "fucking millennials." It reminded me of that day we were all chatting away online with people in the same room. The ridiculous situation that was just fun and funny, has now become the norm on how people live their lives. Like seriously, people are texting others who are only a few feet away, rather than verbally talking. This is the direction the world is spinning towards.


I was always told never to go on internet chat rooms nor forums during the 90s to early 2000s because of child predators. But then, come on, after the age of like 20? IMDb probably would not have had child predators and such, so it is a safe bet that Movie Chat would be similar.

Now, your post did say online. If it was in the case of instant messaging, I remember being on AOL instant messenger and that was just with school friends. I started around the age of 14 as well.


I started when i had 20 years.


Had 20 years of what?



That was 19 years ago.


I highly doubt Croft is going to die this next year. That is horrible to say!


We all die Arvin...


Who says?

I'm pretty much undead.


"We aren't meant to live forever,death is a part of life"😉
Lara Croft -rise of the tomb raider


So you were going to originally die this next year?


You'll not the only one who wants me dead ( i don't know why),but i will go in my own terms😎


That is what I thought from your original comment.


Many times a word or a phrase can have multiple meanings,
depends how people understand that word😉


20 years old,now i'm 28


Yeah, I was always warned never to talk to people online when I was younger. Stranger danger and all that. Does anyone remember those weird cartoons about internet safety?
Anyway, look at me now; over 1000 posts on this site alone, lol.

I started chatting online on an app called Fantasy Hero. It had simple graphics and gameplay, along with forums and walls. Interestingly enough, I think I was also 14 years old when I reached out to talk to one of the players via their wall and made my first online friends. Unfortunately, that app was shut down a few years ago and everyone scattered to the four winds. I kept in touch with a few people, though.


I also started when I was... *drumrolls* 14 years old!

At that time mIRC was still popular. Even when nobody actually told me the danger of internet, I subconciously always super careful about my real life informations.

I only met my internet aquintance once in about 5 years later, and never do it again ever since.


I started on IRC way back, so basically just a bunch of nerds in college computer labs. I don't think we ever worried about online predators.

Now, I teach my kids never to tell the truth about anything when online (ironic?). If someone comments about the weather or questions you, tell them it's 42F and cloudy, when it's 90F and sunny. They'll never pin your location via social engineering. Lie about your age, your education, your job, your location, your birthday, your brothers, sisters, family details, the family car, the family pet. Everything.

Don't tell them you're in school. Don't tell them you live at home.

I also teach them to always assume the person you are talking to is lying about everything. If you don't know them in real life, they are not who they say they are. Nothing they are telling you is true. Ever.


I never ever lie, especially on beautiful 90f days like today, I'm not married, don't have kids, brothers or sisters, I drive a yellow car, and I love animals and Trump


/clapping emoji


I bet you do great with online dating.


Well I am 5'11", althletic, good looking, a great cook and I live off a multimillion dollar trust fund my parents set up for me, so yeah, I do alright.


So you're really, short, fat, ugly, eat raman noodles all the time, and live in a van down by the river that you took from your parents when you ran away at 16?

Because when it's 40 and cloudy, you'll tell me that it's 90 and sunny so I can't catch on to who you are in real life, right?


Lies! All lies!!

Except that Ramen Noodle part. I love me some Ramen Noodles.


The thing is, I am a terrible liar. I just avoid revealing personal information online. Some things I let slip, but I would never give out my full name or city that I live in.

I don't understand people who post their whole lives on Facebook for the world to see. That's not just weird, it's dangerous. Privacy settings, people; use them!


That's the problem though.

It's never like: How old are you? Where do you live? Do you want to meet face to face so I can give you some candy and let you meet my new puppy?

These creeps are clever and can get others, especially kids, to reveal things that may seem harmless, but put together can be a lot more informative than you'd think.

You say you wouldn't give your full name or city, but your city can be determined over time by things like the weather, local events, proximity to tragedy.

Combined with other things, like make, model, color of car and few other details and next thing you know, stalker at your door.


I'm so lonely, I would love a creepy stalker to follow me.


I can't believe how unseasonably warm it is. And this drought, will the wildfires ever end?

Do you even know what it's like to live with the threat of wildfires every day?


It sounds hawt!



I'm not sure how old, but it was before the internet. I used to get on dial up bulletin boards.


Around 49. We didn't get a computer until around 2003


College. We had intranet and internet then. Internet was dial up but it was surprisingly fast because there was zero advertising, no one was on it, and the college had its own server. I miss that simplicity.
