MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > T2 - Trainspotting

T2 - Trainspotting

Has anyone seen it. If so, how would you rate it (and how did you rate Trainspotting)


Not yet, but I would rate the first one a 8/10. It was a fantastic movie, I doubt they can recreate the magic again 20 years later.


I saw it. I gave the original an 8/10 for reference and I'd give the new one like a 7/10 tops.

It's a fun movie, especially if you really liked the first one, but it just felt like more of the same. Has some interesting visuals. Wasn't a fan of how the music was used in some places, but I guess it's in line with how the previous film was made. I haven't seen the original in quite a while.


I rate the original T 9/10.

T2 Trainspotting did nothing for me. I really can't understand its *very* positive reviews from top critics. It had no really good scenes, no really good music, no new ideas apart from a generalized mournfulness about middle-age and lost-potential, only one new character, Veronica, who was deadly dull and seemingly picked mainly for her lissome, exotic beauty and just to liven up the frame which is otherwise mostly filled with gloomy middle-aged ex-junkies. [The movie feels a little bit like it is *itself* a middle-aged ex-junkie grasping at straws of youth and beauty in her person.]

Veronica's supposed to be from Bulgaria and to not really understand deepest darkest Scotland, but it was the type of performance of relative cluelessness that feels like a cover for someone having no acting talent, or for the directorial and script error of not having given her an actual character to play. She becomes the utterly fanciful plot motor near the end and I didn't buy any of it.

In sum, not only is T2 nowhere near as good as Trainspotting, it's barely adequate as a two hour, catch-up-with-characters time-killer. 5/10 (mainly for some characteristic flashy camera-work and editing from Boyle that can't help but appeal).

BTW, I was one of only *two* people in the cinema at my session of T2. Admittedly it's been out a few weeks now and is probably in its last week or so at the multiplexes, but still...


Everyone seems to rave about it, but I found it extremely gross and depressing. I would not recommend it.

