Angry Feminists
Why are they harping on and bitching about men and society pressures on them shaving every inch of their body? Is it really society or us (men) that pressures women into shaving? I'm a 90's man, so to me, landing strips were the rage. I don't mind a little hair, I just like neat, trim and clean. However, there is a trend going where many woman I've dated went all the way into laser hair removal and got rid of everything. And I mean everything. Including the recreational areas that also double duty for waste removal. It's nice down there.
Anyways, it's not us men or society putting the pressure on these angry feminists. Or feminazi's as I like to call them. It's the other women who have gone the extra mile and put in the effort to look good, smell good, be clean and hygienic that are making these angry, lazy, women, who don't want to work hard in looking attractive, are now bent out of shape, because the competition is too high and they can't compete with the one's who do put in the extra effort. And ladies, I will always support your grooming decisions. But you other ones, that are pissing on us that we are the one's pressuring you into shaving your pits and crotch......ladies, we're not. Look to your left, right, and in front of you. Your lady pals who put in the effort, are the ones that are screwing you over. I suggest, get in line with them, or, hey, I'm sure there are a lot of cats that need new homes. Enjoy.