MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Trolls Win.... (again)

Trolls Win.... (again)

Every post I click on here it is mostly just another cunt trolling, so why stay?

A few sites have archived the old posts on obscure films (which is all I cared about)

I thought this site would have admins?... and Jim set up the "I want to be staff to feel really really important begging thread"

So where are these admins? I haven't reported anyone & never will... admins should be 1000 steps ahead of complaints about obvious trolls.

Fuck sake man.... Where are these mods?


Credit where it is due though... these forums feel exactly like IMDB :D


I'm starting to feel the same. Like fighting a losing battle, and most people here seem blissfully unaware what's going on.


"blissfully unaware" ..... I agree with that. Everyone thinks everything is great but it isn't... Can't blame Jim because picking mods is a pain in the ass.... BUT pick some anyway! (IMO)


I cringe every time I see resident trolls greet some new fellow troll who found his way here... I am sad that nobody else is paying attention. Especially in a last few days since IMDB2 went downhill.


Oh, but we can't have mods because that would hurt the trolls' feelings and trample on their rights to free speech and trolling culture. /s


"and most people here seem blissfully unaware what's going on."

I think most people are simply ignoring, and/or using the [-] button. The really annoying comments have been the endless debates OVER the ignore button/trolls/trolling/mods.

An example being, "and Jim set up the "I want to be staff to feel really really important begging thread".

Wow, I've wondered why the main ones (and we know who they are) are still here on I'm beginning to think it's for no good reason than to actually rouse malcontent.


Really annoying comments aren't the problem, even though they are annoying. The real problem is that trolls who roam in here are the same ones who brought IMDb boards down. Site after site is closing because of them, and they keep moving to the next site to ruin that one as well.

Before closing his board for public, Admin of IMDB2 kept telling his trolls to leave him alone and go to Moviechat instead, cause here they can troll unmoderated (his words)

Admin of another site mentions "operation: fuck Jim".

Our resident troll posted something eerie yesterday, I was trying to find that post, but I lost it. He said something like: leave me alone or I'll call my buddies in here to help me.

During the first troll raid 10 days ago he wasn't alone, his buddies indeed joined him. Someone recognized Ballzy, another famous IMDb troll. And who knows how many more.

And after all that we are still sitting pretty here, unmoderated, talking about "that annoying troll who posts the same comments about scourging people". He is NOT a problem, the hard-core trolls are. That's what I mean when I say "blissfully unaware".

And, quite frankly, I'm sick of thinking about trolls instead of posting about movies.


"And, quite frankly, I'm sick of thinking about trolls instead of posting about movies."

Me and you both.

WOW, sooo not nice what they did, and they're Just getting started?!! I had close to 200 blocked on the other site. So, yeah, that one you specifically mentioned, was a big one.


We need that block button, but very soon we'll need more than that. I don't want some troll cloning my nic and happily posting around, like what happened during the recent troll raid.



Ben, you're working against yourself. Every crazy post you make is bringing you one step closer to having mods on your back.


You are the one who is supposedly making up lies about me just because you don't like me.
I don't even know you or care about you. You are the one spreading BS lies about me. I would block you real quick and move on. Nothing crazy about my posts. All of them are sensible. No one likes being harassed or stalked like you are doing to me.


What are you talking about? Please talk about movies instead of this troll nonsense fodder


The one named in Apis' comment..Ballzy, Ben. I didn't want to say the name, but..Ballzy was one I had blocked on the other site.


I have heard of this ballzy guy. He didn't bother me ever.


None of those I put on block bothered me personally, but instead of seeing ANY of their shenanigans it was easier. Toward the end of the msg boards they'd gotten pretty bad with clogging the boards, and that's where the majority of my blocks came in.


I understand.


"The real problem is that trolls who roam in here are the same ones who brought IMDb boards down. Site after site is closing because of them, and they keep moving to the next site to ruin that one as well."

Yep, although I only knew, as a result of their posts here, about what's happened at IMDB2.

"Before closing his board for public, Admin of IMDB2 kept telling his trolls to leave him alone and go to Moviechat instead, cause here they can troll unmoderated (his words)

Admin of another site mentions "operation: fuck Jim"."

Operation: fuck Jim, eh? Interesting. Can't say I'm surprised; it was obvious after the first troll attack what was going on, and still is. I don't know who Ballzy is, but will take your word for it.

"And after all that we are still sitting pretty here, unmoderated, talking about "that annoying troll who posts the same comments about scourging people". He is NOT a problem, the hard-core trolls are. That's what I mean when I say "blissfully unaware"."

Agree. Angryman is trolling, sure, but is merely a minor annoyance. Also agree that some are responding to the hard-core trolls, and are blissfully unaware of the real problem going on here.

Jim needs to take things in hand, and soon, before this snowballs further. I appreciate his taking time to properly vet and choose mods, as that's also important, but time is growing short, and I hope he realizes what's going on here, and has been for a while, although for the most part reasonably quietly.

"And, quite frankly, I'm sick of thinking about trolls instead of posting about movies."

I'd say most are feeling that way. For a few weeks, it was great. [Additional comment deleted so as not to give the destructive ones ideas.]


the [-] button does not hide that post, it just collapses the nested replies under that post.


And it doesn't even stay that way! When you return to/refresh the post, all the collapsed comments are right back to where they started. It's a useless function I'm seeing now! God I want that block button ASAP.


I think Jim is busy getting the site built from the ground up and will be looking into moderators once he's got enough functionality to support them.

We also need a set of rules around here so people understand what is too far over the line and what is acceptable before any rules can be enforced.

I'm not sure if the trolls are winning anything, but the site has got more of the IMDB feel about it now that it is getting busier.


I just got done dealing with batman6. I told him I'm done with him and he's STILL carrying on...all by Why TF is he still here anyways!? Uuuggghhh!! 😠


I think he's just living in some sort of fantasy world where he can pretend to violently berate well known actresses or characters.

I suppose it's better than him being out on the streets but without an ignore option and with people looking to have him banned it seems that he'll come back and pose under a different username.

I know moderators and rules will take quite a bit of time to select and approve but a quick ignore button for the rest of us shouldn't be too hard now that the old posts are aligned with the correct movies and TV shows.

Whatever it will be, it will get better over time - just manually ignore for now I should think StyxNyx.


He was berating "The Exorcist", for shame!

HaHa..."being out on the streets but without an ignore option" it!

Yeah Wilson, we've been hollering for an ignore button practically since the beginning, but, still nothing. I generally ignore them, just didn't realize who I was talking to at the moment...until I remembered batman6 and said, "Ohh yeah...this dude's a troll!" Then I hopped on out of there.


He and I had a few long drawn out conversations and in the end his creativity doesn't allow him to expand beyond the same repeated sentiments.

If he had some range then perhaps he'd be entertaining but as it currently stands he's best to manually ignore until we get an option to help us out.

We then have to think about new users after that and they might not know about how to ignore troublesome users - that's really the only reason I can think of moderators being useful in these situations.


Exactly! He just kept saying the same BS over and over, insisting that the few stupid words he says is right. I don't think he even knows HOW to have a doesn't sound like it.

I'm definitely ignoring him from now on, he's not worth my time.

If it's going to take awhile for Jim to get mods, he should definitely give us an ignore button for now at least.


Why don't you make a thread asking for an ignore button. I would but some here have labelled me a troll for questioning the establishment and might dismiss the idea just because I am the one posting it.

I'll show support to the idea and even knock together an idea Jim can try out on his database to help with the situation.


Ok, will do!


I'm pretty sure there have already been threads on an ignore/block button, if you look far enough. It's definitely been brought up numerous times.


Well, it certainly doesn't hurt to keep trying. I think if enough of us do it, he'll give it to us.


I just think the moderation thing will (Or at least should) take a bit of time before being implement Leia and an ignore option would fix the problem for many just now.

As StyxNyx says it doesn't hurt to ask and if we can get this working it can at least get those unhappy with the situation (Myself included for some people) able to not see posts made by another member.

I do think this should be an option which cannot be reverted though, once ignored always ignored and that will have people use it more sparingly as many use the ignore function as a way of trolling themselves from what I've witnessed over on IMDB.


I'm not against the idea. I just don't want too many repetitive posts scattered around the boards if it can avoided.


I agree that too many threads asking for the same thing kinda sucks but since we've had a new influx from le Reddit army it's either ask again or bump an older one as there's nothing on the first page of General Discussion asking for one from before.

Either way, let's hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears.



Yes he is, Dazed! What's the good guy's name, batman89 or something? I DO know exactly who you're talking about though...but yeah...he's a nice guy.

Oh, you read those posts? Wasn't he ridiculous!? Over and over, the same stupid sentence. He's not even creative. He must've enjoyed that part of the film since that's all he could talk about. As I told him in the end...he didn't understand the story.



Sometimes those filthy little animals just reel us in so it takes some time to realize you're feeding the nasty

I reckon it wouldn't matter how I worded anything with him. He's set on auto pilot to bash anything you say to matter what it is. That's exactly right too...he's only there to get a rise out of people and upset them...and at the same time, he's getting all the attention.

Yep...haters will be haters, that's all they're good for.

It really IS hard not to respond sometimes but, over the years, you get better at ignoring such things because you just have no interest in dealing with the crap anymore. I'm too old for that crap now but I slip once in awhile. And yes, it IS fun occasionally but, I'm usually really laid back now and don't usually want to play ball with people like that anymore...he just happened to catch me in one of my rare ball playing moods. If I were 10 years younger, I would've played 😉


Yeah klownz, I got batman6 gnawing at me. I just gave up trying to drive some sense into his...brain?

Jim says he'll start doing mod applications when he got all the boards updated...which he has, so it shouldn't be long before we get some mods happening. He's just one man so he can't do everything at once. Try emailing him and tell him about this troll and that he's bothering you. His email is [email protected].

Hang in there klownz...ignore those trolls! Jim DID get rid of one just recently, so, if you report this troll to him, he may hurry and get rid of that one too.


Yeah, I'm amazed batman6 hasn't been banned yet... He's replied to a few of my posts, but I just try to ignore him.

Jim seems to be doing the best he can, and is probably swamped with requests for updates in addition to reports. Just give him time and he'll get to it.

Oh, and klownz, just hang in there! This site is getting better everyday!


Same here Leia! He's walking on thin ice! Yeah, I tried to explain something to him about a film but, he doesn't listen, he just tries to start an argument and says stupid stuff. I'm not talking to him anymore...maybe he'll starve. 😉


Starve the trolls! 😼🔥
They only want attention, anyway, so just don't give them any and they should eventually wither away.


Definitely the way to go! It's funny too, cause I don't usually speak to them. I guess it took some time to realize who I was speaking with this time. My bad! 😲


Yes batman6 and angryman53 are the worst ones I've seen so far, I think they may be the same person, angryman53 posts "this is racist" everywhere and batman6 posts "so and so needs to be whipped" everywhere. I just ignore them and most other decent members have learned to ignore them too, don't let a few bad apples ruin such a great site. I'm promoting it on my Youtube channel now, hope it helps.


Opt for the ignore button or else you may be mistaken for a troll as well.

One thing about humans, we make mistakes. Sometimes the victim could be labeled as the troll.

ALWAYS BE FOR....THE IGNORE. (That is the motto!)



It is highly unlikely I would be tagged as a troll because for one I don't drop in daily & couldn't give a fuck what happens... if my account was deleted it wouldn't matter because I already have loads of other places I like for film conversation.

I like reading old threads... If this site is anything like IMDB for new films it's pointless (for me)

Get good admins in is all I want & wanting admins clearly shows I am not a troll... who trolls asks for mods?


I am not saying that you are a troll, but an ignore button would expedite your situation to control trolls. You would never see another post by them.

To answer your last question, other trolls. They could be under the radar, act like they are mod material, have themselves elected and then help other trolls reign supreme on here.


Calm down klownz. The trolls only wins if you let them get to you. That only happens when you feed them really. So don't bother answer on clear troll-posts or threads. Sometimes the troll takes one unaware, but once recogniced: Why bother? If you know they only do what they do to get you upset because they get some sick kick out of sitting behind a screen trying to make strangers upset, why let em?

Click the "report" button and ignore. If thats what all do, eventually Jim (and soon a mod-team) will ban the troll - and their thread will sink or post will be forgotten.


This is a side of Klownz I have never seen on this site yet. It makes you really wonder how bad we really need that ignore button. Things are getting out of control.


calm down snowflake, this isnt ur personal safespace


If you go to the Walking Dead boards, that have just been imported, you can see what real trolling looks like.....113 pages of it.


well said


if troll win, then I congratulate you
