MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > NEED a SEARCH bar for sub sections of th...

NEED a SEARCH bar for sub sections of the group.

I was reading best army film on here a few days ago in General section. Now its buried in the deep .

A search button would be awesome if you get time Jim :)


What do you mean? Like searching for specific posts on a board?


One way a search feature would be useful is being able to look up the posting histories for non active members. However, being able to search the content of all the forums for specific names and keywords would be even more useful, since many on IMDb used the individual boards to discuss related films or the careers of actors and so on. It would also help branch out the discussion and get people to post on more boards.

Even though IMDb never implemented it, it was always a highly requested feature, and would be even more useful here even if someone just used it to find other posts from the same user.




For now, just adding to the end of a Google search will bring up results only on MovieChat.


