MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Eastern-bloc Movies to watch

Eastern-bloc Movies to watch

All My Loved Ones (Vsichni moji blízcí ) (Czech Republic / Slovakia / Poland, 1999)

Autumn Spring (Babí léto) (Czech Republic, 2001)

A Bite to Eat (1963)

Black Peter (Cerný Petr) (1963)

Closely Watched Trains (Ostre Sledované Vlaky) (1966)

The Collected Shorts of Jan Svankmajer: The Early Years, Vol. 1 (1965-1980)

The Collected Shorts of Jan Svankmajer: The Years, Vol. 2 (1982-1992)

Conspirators of Pleasure (Spiklenci slasti) (Czech Republic / Switzerland / UK, 1996)

Daisies (Sedmikrasky) (1966)

Diamonds of the Night (Demanty noci) (1964)

Distant Journey (Daleká Cesta) (1949)

Divided We Fall (Musime si pomáhat) (Czech Republic, 2000)

Ecstasy (Ekstase)(Czechoslovakia / Austria, 1933)

The Elementary School (Obecná Skola) (1991)

The End of August at the Hotel Ozone (Konec srpna v Hotelu Ozon) (Czechoslovakia, 1967)

The Fabulous World of Jules Verne (Vynález zkázy) (Czechoslovakia, 1958)

Faust (1994)

The Fifth Rider is Fear (A páty Jezdec je Strach)(1964)

Firemen's Ball (Horí, má Panenko) (1967)

The Good Soldier Schweik (Dobrý voják Svejk ) (1956)

The Good Soldier Schweik 2: Beg to Report, Sir (Poslusne hlásím) (1957)

The Joke (Zert) (1969)

Kolya (Czech Republic, 1996)

Konkurs (Audition)
(Czechoslovakia, 1964)

Labyrinth of Darkness (1978-1989)

Larks on a String (Skrivanci na niti) (1969)

The Last Butterfly (Poslední motýl) (Czechoslovakia / France / UK, 1991)

Loves of a Blonde (Lásky Jedné Plavovlásky) (1965)

Lunacy (Sílení)(Czech Republic / Slovakia, 2005)

The Ossuary: and Other Tales

A Report on the Party and the Guests (O slavnosti a hostech) (1966)

Romeo, Juliet and Darkness (Romeo, Julia a tma) (Czechoslovakia, 1959)

The Shop on Main Street (Obchod na Korze) (1965)

Something Like Happiness (Stesti) (2005)

Svankmajer, Volume 2. (1965-1990)

Transport From Paradise (Transport z raje) (1963)

The Unbearable Lightness of Being (USA, 1988)

Up and Down (Horem padem) (Czech Republic, 2004)

The Valley of the Bees (Udoli vcel ) (1967)

The White Dove (Holubice) (1960)

After the Revolution (Forradalom után) (1989)

Almanac of Fall (Öszi almanach) (1984)

Another way (Egymásra Nézve) (1982)

Cold Days (Hideg Napok) (1966)

Colonel Redl (Oberst Redl) (Yugoslavia | Hungary | Austria | West Germany, 1985)

Damnation (Karhozat) (Hungary, 1988)

Electra, My Love (Hungary, 1974)

Family Nest (Családi tüzfészek ) (1977)

Father (Apa: egy hit naploja) (1966)

Kontrol (2000)

Love (Szerelem ) (1971)

Love Film (Film About Love)(Szerelmesfilm) (1970)

My Way Home (Így jöttem)(1965)

Örökbefogadás (Adoption) (1975)

The Outsider (Szabadgyalog) (1981)

The Prefab People (Panelkapcsolat) (1981)

The Red and the White (Csillagosok, katonák) (1968)

Red Psalm (Még kér a nép)(1972)

Romeo, Juliet and Darkness (Romeo, Julia a tma) (1959)

Silence and Cry (Csend és kiáltás)(1967)

25 Firemans Street (Tüzoltóutca 25: almok a hazbol) (1973)

Taxidermia(Hungary | Austria | France, 2000)

Werckmeister Harmonies (Werckmeister harmóniák) (Hungary / Italy / Germany / France, 2000)

Woyzeck (Hungary, 1994)

And the Violins Stopped Playing: A True Story (I skrzypce przestaly grac)(1988)

Ashes and Diamonds (Pópiól i Diament) (1958)

Bad luck (Zezowate szczęście) (1960)

Blue (Bleu) (1993)

Blind Chance (Przypadek) (1982)

Border Street (Ulica graniczna) (1948)

Camera Buff (Amator) (1979)

Canal (Kanał) (1957)

Cellulose (Celuloza)(1954)

Dead Man's Bounty (aka Summer Love)(Poland, 2006)

Dekalog (1988)

La Double Vie de Véronique (The Double Life of Veronique)(France/Poland/Norway, 1991)

The Dybbuk (Der Dibuk) (Poland, 1937)

The Deluge (Potop) (1957)

Eroica (1958)

Essential Killing(Poland | Norway | Ireland | Hungary, 2010)

Everything for Sale (Wszystko na Sprzedaż) (1968)

A Generation (Pokolenie) (1955)

Horizontal Landscape (Pejzaż horyzontalny) (1978)

Immoral Story (Historia niemoralna) (1987)

Just Beyond This Forest (Jeszcze tylko ten las) (Poland, 1991)

Katyn (Poland, 2007)

Kingsize (Kingsajz) (1987)

Knife in the Water (Nóż w Wodzie) (1962)

Korczak (1990)

Land of Promise (Promised Land) (Ziemia obiecana) (1975)

Landscape After Battle (Krajobraz po bitwie) (1970)


The Donkey's Hide (Oslinaya shkura) (1982)

Elegy of a Voyage (Elegiya dorogi; Élégie de la traversée) (France | Russia | Netherlands, 2001)

Elegy of the Land

Falling Leaves (Giorgobistve; La chute des feuilles) (1968)

Father and Son (Otets i syn) (2003)

Five Evenings (Pyat vecherov)(1979)

Golden Horns (Zolotye Roga) (1972)

Goluboi ogonek (TV, 1962-1970)

Goluboi ogonek (TV, 1981-1988)

Guerrilla Brigade (Vsadniki) (1939)

Gypsies are Found Near Heaven (Tabor ukhodit v nebo) (Soviet Union, 1995)

Hamlet (Gamlet)(1964)

House of Fools (Dom durakov) (Russia | France, 2002)

Hubert Robert, A Fortunate Life (Robert. Schastlivanya zhizn)(Russia, 1996)

I Am Cuba (Ja Kuba; Soy Cuba) (Soviet Union / Cuba, 1964)

Ivan the Terrible (Ivan Groznyi) (1944/1958)

Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future (Ivan Vasilevich menyaet professiyu) (1973)

King Lear (Korol Lear)(1969)


Krylya (1966)

Kukushka (The Cuckoo) (2002)

The Lady with a Dog (Dama s sobachkoj) (1960)

Late Marriage (Hatuna meuheret; Mariage tardif) (2001)

Little Vera (Malenkaya Vera) (1988)

Luna Park (1991)

The Mermaid (1996)

The Mirror (Zerkalo) (1974)

Moloch (Russia / Germany / Japan / Italy / France, 1999)

Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (Moskva Slezam ne Verit) (1979)

Mother and Son (Mat i syn) (1997)

My Name Is Ivan (Ivan's Childhood)(Ivanovo detstvo) (1963)

The Nose (Le Nez) (1963)

Nostalghia (1983)

Okraina (The Outskirts) (1998)

Oligarkh (Tycoon: A New Russian; Un nouveau russe) (2002)

Oriental Elegy (Vostochnaya elegiya ; Élégie orientale) (Russia / Japan, 1996)

Ostrov (The Island) (Russia, 2006)

Pastorali (Pastoral) (1975)

Peter the First (1937-1939)

Prisoner of the Mountains (Kavkazskii plennik) (1996)

¿Que Viva Mexico!¿ (Da zdravstvuyet Meksika!)

Repentance (Monanieba; Pokayanie) (1987)

The Return (Vozvrashchenie) (2003)

Roads to Koktebel (Koktebel) (2003)

Russian Ark (Russkiy kovcheg) (2002)

The Sacrifice (Offret) (1986)

The Second Circle (Krug vtoroy) (1990)

Sergei Eisenstein Mexican Fantasy (Meksikanskaya fantasiya)(Russia, 1998)

Siberiade. (1979)

A Slave of Love (Raba lyubvi)(1976)

Solaris (Solyaris) (1972)

Spiritual Voices (Dukhovnye golosa. Iz dnevnikov voyny. Povestvovanie v pyati chastyakh) (Russia, 1995)

Stalker (1979)

The Steamroller and the Violin (Katok i Skripka)(1960)

The Sun (Solntse) (Russia | Italy | Switzerland | France, 2004)

There Once Was a Singing Blackbird (Iko shashvi mgalobeli; Il etait une fois un merle chanteur) (1970)

The Thief (Vor) (1997)

Uvlecheniya (Avocations) (1994)

Vodka Lemon (France / Italy / Switzerland / Armenia. 2003)

Voskhozhdenie (Ascent)(Soviet Union, 1977)

Vovochka (2002)

War and Peace (Voyna i mir) (1967)

Ward no.6 (Palata No 6) (Russia, 2009)

We Are Going to America (My yedem v Ameriku) (Russia, 1992)

White Sun of the Desert (Beloe solntse pustyni) (1969)

Without Witness (Bez svidetelei) (1983)

Aelita: the Queen of Mars (silent, 1924)

Arsenal (1928-29)

Battleship Potemkin (Bronenosets Potemkin) (1925)

Bed and Sofa (Tretya meshchanskaya) (1926)

By the Law (Po zakonu) (1926)

The Cigarette girl of Mosselprom (Papirosnitsa ot Mosselproma) (1924)

Devil's Wheel (Chertovo Koleso) (1926)

Diplomatic Pouch (Sumka Dipkuryera) (1927)

Earth (Zemlya) (1930)

Entuziazm (Enthusiasm) (1931)

The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Land of the Bolsheviks (Neobychainiye Priklucheniya Mistera Vesta v. Stranye Bolshevikov) (1924)

Fall of the Romanov Dynasty (1927)

Forward, Soviet! (aka Stride, Soviet!) (Shagai, Soviet!)(1926)

Fruits of Love.(1926)

The General Line (aka Old and New; Staroye i novoye) (1929)

Glumov's Diary (Dnevnik Glumova) (1923)

House on Trubnaya (Dom na Trubnoi) (1928)

Jew on the Land. (1926)

Katka's Reinette Apples (Kat'ka Bumazhnyi Ranet)

Kino Eye (Kinoglaz) (1924)

Kino-Pravda (1922)

Kiss of Mary Pickford (Pocelui Meri Pikford) (1927)

Mad Love: the Films of Evgeni Bauer (1913-16)

Man With The Movie Camera (Man With a Movie Camera) (Chelovek s Kinoapparatom) (1929)

Miss Mend: An Adventure Serial in Three Parts (Soviet Union, 1926)

Mother ('Mat') (1926)

Salt for Svanetia (Sol Svanetij) (1930)

The Second Circle (Krug Vtoroj) (1990)

Soviet Toys (1923)

Storm Over Asia (Potomok Chingis-Khana) (1928)

Strike (Stachka) (1924)

Ten Days that Shook the World (October = Oktiabr) (1928)
Turksib (1929)
Zvenigora (Zakoldavanoye Mesto) (1928)

Adelheid (1969)

Alice (Neco z Alenky) (Czechoslovakia / Switzerland / UK / West Germany, 1988)

All My Good Countrymen (Vsichni dobrí rodáci) (Czechoslovakia, 1968)


Wirus (Virus) (2003)

The White Soup (Zurek) (2003)

White (Three Colours: White) (Trzy kolory: Bialy) (France / Poland / Switzerland, 1976)

Strike (Strajk - Die Heldin von Danzig) (Germany | Poland, 2006)

Squint Your Eyes (Zmruz oczy) (2002)

Siberian Lady Macbeth (aka Fury is a Woman; Sibirska Ledi Magbet) (Poland / Yugoslavia, 1962)

A Short Film About Love (Krótki film o milosci) (1987)

A Short Film About Killing (Krótki film o zabijaniu) (1987)

Sex Mission (Seksmisja) (1984)

The Scar (Blizna ) (1976)

Samson (1961)

Revenge (Zemsta) (2002)

Red (Rouge) (1994)

Promised Land (Ziemia obiecana) (2003)

Pornography (Pornografia) (Poland / France, 2003)

Pan Tadeusz (Poland / France, 1999)

100 Years of Polish Cinema

No End (Bez końca) (1985)

Mother Joan of the Angels (Matka Joanna od Aniolów) (1961)

The Mill and the Cross (Poland | Sweden, 2011)

Man on the Tracks (Czlowiek na torze) (1957)

Man of Marble (Człowiek z Marmuru) (1977)

Man of Iron (Czlowiek z Zelaza) (1957)

Lotna (1959)

A Lonely Woman (Kobieta samotna) (1981)

The Last Stage (Ostatni etap)(Poland, 1948)

4 (2005)

9th Company (9 rota) (Finland | Russia | Ukraine, 2005)

12 (Russia, 2007)

With Fire and Sword (Ogniem i mieczem) (1999)

Hey Babu Riba (Bal na vodi) (Yugoslavia, 1986)

Without Anesthesia (Bez znieczulenia) (Poland / France, 1981)

A Year of the Quiet Sun (Rok Spokojnego slonca) (Poland / West Germany / USA, 1984)

Young Girls of Wilko (Panny z Wilko) (Poland / France, 1979)

4 luni, 3 saptamani si 2 zile (4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days) (Romania, 2007)

Cum mi-am petrecut sfarsitul lumii (The way I spent the end of the world) (Romania / France, 2006)

The Death of Mr. Lazarescu (Moartea domnului Lăzărescu) (Romania, 2005)

Next Stop Paradise (Terminus paradis)(1998)

Before the Rain (A Tale in Three Parts) (Republic of Macedonia | France | UK, 1994)

Black Cat White Cat (Crna macka, beli macor) (France / Germany / Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1998)

Cabaret Balkan (Bure Baruta) (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia / Republic of Macedonia / France / Greece / Turkey, 1998)

Do You Remember Dolly Bell? (Sjecas li se, Dolly Bell?) (Yugoslavia, 1981)

Das Fräulein (Germany / Switzerland / Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2006)

Gorilla Bathes at Noon (Germany / Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1993)

Grbavica: The Land of My Dreams (aka Esma's Secret - Grbavica) (Austria / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Germany / Croatia, 2006)

Spare Parts (Rezervni deli) (Slovenia, 2003)

Innocence Unprotected (Nevinost bez Zastite) (Yugoslavia, 1968)

Man Is Not a Bird (Covek Nije Tica) (Yugoslavia, 1965)

Love Affair: or, The Case of the Missing Switchboard Operator (Ljubavni Slucaj ili Tragedija Sluzbenice
P.T.T.) (Yugoslavia, 1967)

A Night of Love (Manifesto) (USA, 1988)

Montenegro (Sweden / UK, 1982)

No Man's Land (Nicija zemlja) (Bosnia-Herzegovina / Slovenia / Italy / France / UK / Belgium, 2001)

Pretty Village, Pretty Flame (Lepa sela lepo gore) (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1996)

Time of the Gypsies (Dom za vesanje) (UK / Italy / Yugoslavia, 1989)

Sweet Movie (France / Canada / West Germany, 1974)

Tito and Me (Tito i ja) (Yugoslavia, 1992)

Ward no.6 (Paviljon 6) (Yugoslavia, 1976)

Underground (France / Federal Republic of Yugoslavia / Germany / Hungary, 1995)

Warriors (UK, 1999)

A Wonderful Night in Split (Ta divna Splitska noc) (Croatia, 2004)

Witnesses (Svjedoci)(Croatia, 2004)

When Father Was Away on Business (Otac na Sluzbenom Putu) (Yugoslavia, 1985)

WR: Mysteries of the Organism (W.R. - Mysterije Organizma) (Yugoslavia / West Germany, 1971)

4 (2005)

9th Company (9 rota) (Finland | Russia | Ukraine, 2005)

12 (Russia, 2007)

Aerograd (1935)

Alexander (Aleksandr) Nevsky (1938)

Alexandra (2007)

Andrei Rublev (1966)

Anna (Anna: ot 6 do 18) (1993)

Anna Karenina (1967)

Aprili (Avril, April ) (1961)

Autumn Marathon (Osennii marafon) (1979)

Bakenbardi: Sidewhiskers (1990)

Ballad of a Soldier (Ballada o soldate) (1959)

The Barber of Siberia (Sibirskiy tsiryulnik) (1998)

Bezhin Meadow (1937)

Brilliantovaya ruka (Diamond Hand) (1968)

Brother (Brat) (1997)

Burnt By the Sun (Utomlyonnye Solntsem) (1994)

The Cameraman's Revenge and Other Fantastic Tales: the Amazing Puppet Animation of Ladislaw Starewicz (1912-1958)

Chapayev (1934)

Cargo 200 (Gruz 200) (2007)

Chekhovian Motifs (Chekhovskie motivy) (2002)

The Childhood of Maxim Gorky (Detstvo Gorkogo) (1938)

Circus (1936)

Close to Eden (Urga) (1991)

Cold Summer of 1953 (Kholodnoe leto piatdesiat tretego) (1988)

The Color of Pomegranates (Nran guyne) (Soviet Union, 1969)

Come and See (Idi i smotri) (1985)

Confession (Povinnost) (1998)

The Cranes are Flying (Letyat Zhuravli) (1957)

Dersu Uzala (Soviet Union | Japan, 1974)

The Deserter (Desertir) (1933)

Divided We Fall (Musime si pomahat) (2000)

Dolce...(Russia / Japan, 2000)






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