Moviechat doing well according to Alexa!
There was some concern about traffic slowing down on this site, and I was wondering about the same. I looked at Alexa, and we actually seem to have made a very promising start. You can never gauge the success of a site by comparing it to others, but I did so just for reference, so that we roughly know where we stand.
Moviechat's Alexia ranking has ZOOMED up in the past month (see Alexa link below). We still a long way to go, but we're growing very, very fast.
Moviechat traffic statistics
Moviechat also has a very engaged community:
Bounce Rate - 21.90% (The lower the better - 26% to 40% is excellent, and we are LOWER than that!)
Daily Pageviews per Visitor
Daily Time on Site
THEMOVIEDB.ORG's rankings are much higher because they also have other info that moviechat does not have, and they have had a community from before. But click on the link below. Their ranking now is less than what it was on October 2016. The Imdb board closure has not made a drastic difference in their traffic.
Themoviedb traffic statistics
And compare their statistics to that of moviechat:
Bounce Rate
Daily Pageviews per Visitor
Daily Time on Site
Its traffic is too low for a ranking
Bounce Rate
Daily Pageviews per Visitor
Daily Time on Site
We cannot get stats for IMDB V2.
And finally, IMDB's ranking will always be much higher that this site, but even their users are not as engaged as we are:
Bounce Rate
Daily Pageviews per Visitor
Daily Time on Site
These comparisons may or may not be very valid. But whatever the case, these stats at least seem to be pointing out that we are a very engaged community, even if our actual membership is not very high (its growing fast in any case). Let's keep our chins up! This community is doing very well.