MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The IMDB MESSAGE BOARDS ARE BACK!!!!!!


They are!






Early April Fools Day. But I already read the archive mentioned...and they are,...but I posted to do a silly April Fool's joke.A month early.(Easter sometimes comes early,though not this year....)





Troll on


even if they were why would anyone use them.


I'd go back if they also reinstated PMs, but only to tell my friends about MovieChat.






Yes, they are HERE!


The message boards actually are back:

This site:

Then install this Chrome extension:

And the film forums show up exactly how they used to! The site itself isn't active but it is still very useful.


Google Chrome is required for Chrome extension installation.

Bugger, that.


I already used Chrome anyway so didn't have to change anything.


It's almost like those sales deals.


...with purchase of fries and a drink.


If people don't use Chrome they can still search the site manually but that extension just makes imdb back to normal.

Its a real shame that the site isn't active though.


I hear ya. I mean the site will be back, if it is; BUT, can those usernames still be contacted? For instance, if I were to reply to them, would those users be able to reply back to me? It seems like we are stuck in one of those areas, where those spaceship shows do a good job of portraying the image I am, and there are all these frozen people in chambers, around us. We try to talk (write) to them, but to no avail.


There isn't any notifications on that site yet & I have no idea if they will be added and how they will work. When you message someone on there though they would only get the message if they are a member of the site like MovieChat

I am curious if on MovieChat if someone responds to a old post i made on imdb if i will get the notification (same username) I also wonder if anyones imdb identity has been stolen on this site... that would be a major pain in the ass :D


But I would assume that site is just an empty shell of usernames. If it is just an archived copy of IMDb, like most of the message boards here are, the usernames are not active. Since they are not members of this site, I do not think they would be getting notifications for every reply.


Yea to get any message on either site you would need to register & with the same username.


So the archived site is an actual site? How would you be able to use the same username, if it was on the original IMDb? Even if you put in "forgot password", it would not lead you to the same username, would it?


I am not sure why this site or that site allow people to sign up with usernames that should already be taken & didn't actually think about that till you just pointed it out... I guess that the username isn't registered on the sites until a new member signs up and takes it but to test that theory I would have to try signing up here & there again & see if i get a message telling me my username is already taken or if i can keep signing up as "klownz"

"So the archived site is an actual site?" if you mean does it function as a forum or is it read only archive yes it does actually function as a working forum... just has no members though.

It is just that Chrome extension that makes imdb look exactly how it did before removing the forums but when you click on the thread at imdb it takes you to the exact same thread but on


That is insane! So basically, someone can hack someone else's username?

I wish this site would let you reuse the same username, unless it does? Did you try out to see if you could use your old username on this site?


Yea I am klownz on imdb as well so had i not signed up here as klownz straight away someone could have taken my username out of pure chance OR for intentional troll reasons.

I suspect stolen usernames could become a problem for trolling but it doesn't seem like something that can be stopped.

"So basically, someone can hack someone else's username? "

Its not really a hack its just that all the usernames taken on imdb are not actually registered on this site so anyone could take a username that exists but isn't actually taken here and take control of that account (if you can actually edit old comments) I will try and find a old post on the imdb horror board i made & see if I can edit it & let you know if it works.


Yeah, definitely.

I still have to see if my old username here can be resurrected.


Okay I just checked this thread: And no I cannot edit my original post so that is a good thing that it means people can't hijack account names but also a bad thing because it must also mean that any post I made on imdb before registering here I will not get notifications from?

Try posting to me on that thread & I will let you know if I get a notification.


I replied with "Hey".


Yea I didn't get a notification so that means we can only get notifications on posts made on this site & can only edit posts we made on this site.

Thanks for testing that for me.


We have confirmation. Well that is a bummer. That means there are all these empty shell message board posts.


I was really hoping I would get a notification but I am genuinely the same poster from imdb... if I wasn't and someone could edit my old posts I would be major pissed off so I guess it is a fair system.

"That means there are all these empty shell message board posts."

Sadly that is 100% true but the lesser of two evils in my opinion.


Yeah. I am not sure what evil I like. I just wish that everything could be active. For me, it is more of hating to see things on a site that are kind of adding waste or clutter. Then again, I am not Jim nor am I the other majority of users who still want to keep old threads.

I mean an old thread, in itself, is not bad; however, I just wish it was active.


I think old threads on the main boards could be deleted but not on individual film threads.

Some entire sections could be deleted but you have to keep in mind different people are into different sh!t.

For example the anime forum is dead so some might say delete but in reality anime is popular as fuck.

The safe bet at the moment is keep everything and see what works in the long run.

I know where you are coming from though because I used to admin a horror forum & spent ages making sure each section was relevant & active... dead forum sections do look off putting.

Wouldn't say anything here is clutter though per-say


Yeah. Or make a somewhat duplicate thread with a new active user and then delete any thread that covers the same topic.

Then we would be saying that there has to be actual people obligated to do that and no one is going to spend time doing that. We are all different and we have our own questions. Unless it is certain that there is a new thread, reflecting an old thread; it would have to be confirmed by a moderator, whether it should stay relevant or not.


This sites admin mentioned a bit ago about recruiting mods... I am interested to see how that works out.

One thing for sure is you do need mods but it is a major pain giving that trust to people & them actually doing their "job" once they get it.


I can apparently sign in using my old account name as well, and with the same email address. So that means a given individual's email could be attached to multiple accounts! That is one way Jim could find the trolls!


And I went to a thread I had created and apparently, it put dashes in between my name. That means this site can differentiate between similar usernames.

Also, I can only reply to my old username, even though it is the same.


Or you could bring MovieChat message boards on IMDb with a script working on every browser instead.


I had a look at that but wasn't sure if it is safe or not? If i install that would it affect that Chrome extension thing i am now using?


Oh it's perfectly safe!
And they work fine with each other, it looks like this.


That is great & thanks for checking if they work together for me i really appreciate that! I will install that now & that will be a major upgrade!

I think Movie Chat will become way more active over time so it will probably be conversations here & that other site more for read only usage on old obscure films.

Best of both & makes imdb more enjoyable again :)




Yea they have really done a nice giant copy/paste of the forums saving a shit load of information! If Movie Chat can archive the same amount of stuff though it would be better because more members here.


I am getting a message saying I can't install anything from that site. I am crap with computer stuff so not sure what to do about that.


First, do you have Tampermonkey installed? You need it to manage scripts.

Also, can you at least access Greasyfork?


Boom! Yea I needed that Tampermonkey & now it is working fine! Awesome! Thanks again for the help!


No problem ;-)


Is anyone else getting a 500 error when they click on a thread?


Yes I was getting that a lot but after logging in it went away.


No,they're not,i just check IT on resident evil boards.


April Fool (as for the actual IMDB site hosting them..)


Not funny


Not at all


You are right. Moderator, please delete my original post.. Or create a April Fool'
s section (like the animaiton based Internet Animation Database actually did..
fun things couldhappen over tere...but if on such a board it would be expected..)Sorry




All year round..


Oh shut up
