MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is this message board already dead?

Is this message board already dead?

There isn't a lot of activity here at all. Especially the main boards where famously social media shows like The Walking Dead, Supernatural, The Flash, etc. boards on Imdb are ghost towns.

I had high hopes for this site to kind of replace the void of Imdb. But it looks like it isn't working.


OP is probably from a shitty site like IMDb2 proboards. Perhaps the admin of that site


When I see a thread like this one, first I check how often OP posts here and on what boards, only after doing that I decide if the thread is genuine or trolling. Some of those "why is this site doing lousy" are genuine, started by people who are impatient to get IMDb replacement as soon as possible, and some are pure trolling.


I guess you are right, but one of these threads was started by this user "violet" who started it in a genuine fashion then linked that imdb2 proboard in its second response.

they cannot even afford to buy a domain!

moviechat is the best so far. They are evolving and setting new standards.


Yeah, some people post things like that only to provoke, or as a means of subtle (or not so subtle) advertising of their favorite site. I don't mind those who advertise, but I'll never reply to those who post those things only to provoke. I don't need that in my life lol


I guess you are right.


Dead? It just started. And it's off to a good start, considering. But it has to grow. People have to become aware of it and come here. The process takes time. In the meantime, just post and help get the site going. This is like establishing a new village and then complaining it hasn't become Tokyo after a few weeks.


You got 28 replies, so it that dead to you?

I'm not trying to be an a-hole, but when people come here talking about how dead it is, I don't see it myself. Maybe the boards you're going to haven't had a lot of activity and our experiences have just been different, but to that I say, make threads yourself and begin.

I've seen people post on boards with no threads or ones from several months ago and have gotten replies and good discussions going now because they took the initiative and injected life into it themselves. It may not always work, but it's a start and people may surprise you. After all, we're after the same thing, generally. I've seen the shows you mentioned above (TWD, Supernatural, as well as GOT) all trending fairly often here so there is stuff going on there.

As others have said and will keeping saying...the site is new and right now what we need most is patience and people willing to come along and be the boost themselves in this place. After some time, the hope is as with any site really, traffic will go up. It's all just a matter of waiting, however crappy it may be to read that, waiting and engaging.

p.s. I've seen your name around here before (I remember because I got a kick out of it, though I don't know if it's a reference or not, but I liked it) and believe I have replied to you, at least, once somewhere. So, we're here and we're trying! Give us a shot! I apologize if any of my message came off rude, but we've had to repeat ourselves a lot lately, it seems.


No you are right. The OP is probably an admin of a forum that is dying so he is getting upset. He cannot even afford a domain lol.


I'm not interested in calling anyone out. Even if it gets frustrating I believe in explaining or helping people out if they make such an inquiry. It's a valid enough question if they're not seeing involvement on the site themselves, relaying our experiences is the best and really only way to show them people are here and this place is growing.

So, giving these threads replies...even if it's worth it in the end.


Alright !


If I had a thumbs up emoji I'd use it :p (settle for that basic one for now)


Good enough ! [cheers]


I will help and will post randomly on some boards I used. I will open some new threads for everyone to see that something is going on. I will post on facebook as well. There are some imdb user groups where I can post this,


Try posting it on imdb2 as well. They banned me for promoting this site. They ban you and it doesn't show that you were banned. Other people think that the user is still active and isnt posting


Which boards are really active right now? If you know of one where everyone went, let us know. I think people from IMDb went to different boards. Plus it takes awhile for boards to take off.


I was just over at imdb refugees, it's like that board just stopped.


imdb refugees? link


I think it's actually a good thing that there aren't many people here yet. The site needs to be further polished and perfected before too many people are here. It's still in the early stages.


No it's not dead. it's just a little baby!
it's only 2 weeks old. Do you expect a newborn baby to do everything it's parent can do?


OP is this IMDb2 user sent by "John Carter" the admin of that shitty proboards site to spread bullshit here.


Holy Crap !


No. I'm not even on that board. I have the same exact username that I had on Imdb.


With spaces?


If you are not him why are you spreading lies that there is no activity here?




There is activity but not on individual show boards. The Flash, Arrow, etc. had massive traffic. They are dead here. The Walking Dead board is doing OK.

Listen, I don't want this site to fail. I hope it succeeds and becomes even bigger than Imdb. It's bullshit what Imdb did and I actively boycott that site now.
