MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is this message board already dead?

Is this message board already dead?

There isn't a lot of activity here at all. Especially the main boards where famously social media shows like The Walking Dead, Supernatural, The Flash, etc. boards on Imdb are ghost towns.

I had high hopes for this site to kind of replace the void of Imdb. But it looks like it isn't working.


You can always switch your user name to "Debbie Downer" (?) Though I don't know that it will increase traffic to your thread...


It seems to be slowly growing but it won't be enough for the hardcore message board user that spends all day talking about their favorite shows. I think if a few more people like that show up it could become that way.


I'm not being Debbie Downer. I'm just stating fact, man. The boards are this site are SLOW. Even the General Discussion board on here has nose-dived a lot since Imdb died.

I don't want the site to fail. I hoped (and continue to hope) this might be a successor to fill the void. But it's not looking good.


everybody is scattered all over.I found this place just before imdb died and themoviedatabase and got board.Maybe some people are lost.I tried twitter and godlike tried to get some of them to join us but they didn't seem to care.Just keep trying that's all I do.Sure its not the same.Dont give up man ! Freedom!


<< Maybe some people are lost. >>

There might even be some wandering around with amnesia, the shock was so great (?) They literally have forgotten they once discussed film and television.


<< I'm not being Debbie Downer. I'm just stating fact... >>

Well, it's rather like leaving a relationship of almost 20 years (I joined imdb in 2001) then saying a new relationship doesn't measure up after a few weeks.

What's the point of winging?


The General Discussion board has been very hot up until, oh, a week or so ago. People are posting less here, and much more on the individual film/show/people boards.

If you look at the Trending area on the home page, it's usually hopping with new posts and threads, regardless of the time of day or night.

I see new users all the time, and have been reunited with a number of my favorite posters from IMDb boards just in the past few days.


Yeah TWD board is dead here. I want to discuss the episode that aired tonight and nobodys there! I tried going over to Reddit but it seems half the threads aren't even related to the actual show. Its weird over there. I don't know. I hope this works but the tv show boards have very little discussion.



I don't even understand how you have a conversation on reddit. There is no real format. It is people randomly saying shit with no rhyme or reason. It's isn't conversation. It's is talking heads shouting at the moon.

People always criticized the format of the Imdb message boards a s simplistic and ugly but you learned it easy and could follow it. Twitter is also no way to discuss TV and film. It is even worse than reddit. It was people just screaming random shit even more so with no dialogue and it is all static noise, lost.


Yeah Reddit is garbage. All the interesting threads have like 200+ comments in them and theres no real organized discussion. Its a mess. I also think making a thread has its own obstacles. You need "upvotes" for it to be seen on the front page by people. Its just a weird format they have. This is why when IMDb went down it really hurt because there just isn't many places to discuss tv shows that have active and interesting discussions like they had.


TWD board on TMDB has been hot since the site relaunched.


You can help by posting here. If not then this site will never grow.




Yeah, that's what I've noticed, and add GoT to that list.

I'm not into the "big" mainstream shows, so this site works well for me.




Eek, I almost accidentally reported your post instead of replying. Hey, we have a report button now!

I understand what you mean, 9. It's part of the IMDb-induced PTSD ;). So far, from what I've read and observed, I think Jim's a genuine good guy. Recently I read Needham had said years ago he resented the boards, and those of us who posted on/used them, so, not surprising he couldn't wait even an additional day to pull the plug.

Yes, here's to Cooper and Sterling Sr., who started it all :)


There's too many boards right now so everyone is kind of scattered. I hope this one makes it. It has the potential to be the replacement for imdb.


The site owner could definitely get rid of most the boards on the main page & that would be a good move.




I would cut the inactive ones and non-film related ones. If it isn't increasing conversation and traffic cut it out then in the future possibly add it if popular request.

It isn't about like or dislike it is about what promotes activity & what looks like activity... Looking at a dead forum puts people off posting because what is the point?

I agree with you though that it might be a bit soon though to start deleting boards but it does need to be looked at.


I've been thinking the same. Either cut them or merge them together. For instance, soapbox, watercooler and sandbox could easily be merged into just one board. Those 3 different boards were perhaps needed when there were 250 million visitors on the site, but they are not needed now. One would be enough for now.


Weren't those boards created because of the shear volume of people IMDB had? I don't mean to be argumentative, but we don't have that many people yet, so they're a bit unneeded for now (in my opinion).

We have a decent amount of activity, for being a brand new site, but when you look at the front page, with all the boards, it creates the illusion that the site is dead.

Maybe archive the more genre specific boards, for the time being, and keep the broader ones (Film general, TV general, etc.) active? What this site could thrive on is the film/show/director/etc. specific boards (I know that was what I liked most about IMDB). And I see from the trending bar that we've been utilizing them more and more.

Again, I don't mean to be argumentative, and I'm definately not an expert, so I might be dead wrong here. It's just an observation.




Aw, thanks 9! Right back at you :)

True, we'll have to see, but I remain optimistic.


I think the problem is that people just take a quick look at the site, assume it's an exact clone of imdb and post accordingly expecting an instant reply as they might get during imdb's heyday. When they don't get it, they get discouraged and just quit posting... same with that new archive site which is even closer to the original but more dead.

The best thing this site has going for it is that simple trending board... metacritic incorporated that too... in fact they've really improved their interface this year. They should expand that, put avatars like imdb2, and start giving ranking with several easy to achieve levels to encourage posting... also add a like button so that shy posters can at least give people likes if they are too self conscious to post. Also, put a ranking list of the top posters. It may seem dumb to do all that, but people are instinctively trained from video game culture to want to always level up and improve their ranking.


Shh... Take deep breaths. It's gonna be alright if we all band together and post where we can. This site is still a little baby that needs to be nurtured patiently. It ain't gonna be super active in the blink of an eye just by wishing for it. Rome wasn't built in a day. There have been plenty of other posts complaining about this, and plenty of people responding positively, so just take it easy.
