MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I Like This Place Better Than The IMDB B...

I Like This Place Better Than The IMDB Boards!

I've used the imdb as a research resource for years. I didn't realize there were message boards on the site until a couple years ago, because I'd never scrolled that far down on a movie's home page. I lurked, but was never moved to want to join; and I am clearly not shy! There was too much that I didn't like: trolls, nutjobs, shills, dimwits and posters who assumed that everyone on the boards was in high school because THEY were in high school. There was a lot of activity, but also a lot of bad energy. This place is nothing like that. I want you to know that I like being here and that I like all of you. I've been wanting to post this for some time, but today I've seen a number of despairing posts expressing concern about the site's future. I think the future looks GREAT๐Ÿ˜! Good energy attracts good energy. It is rare to find a group of strangers who are literate, thoughtful and courteous. Enjoy what you have now, and be confident about the future. Remember, studies have found that the happiest people are those who are happy with what they have right now. They may aspire to having more, but they are HAPPY with the here and now. The person who thinks he will be happy when "someday" comes will never be happy because he doesn't know how to be. I wish you happiness, friends!


I like this better than imdb because its easier to browse through message boards whereas before you had to scroll down the page.


My thoughts exactly.


The comparison can never be made because IMDb does not have any boards. What it should say is "I like this place better than IMDb." Now that would be making a statement!


I love how there weren't trolls here.... until I read this one:


Eh, there have been a few trolls here. It was bound to happen, as it happens to every board and site that allows comments. Sooner or later we'll get ignore buttons.

To the OP: I agree wholeheartedly!


I would hate to know that that individual was a manager or a higher up in a business. Seems like it would lead to the demise of the middle class and poor. People like that really scare me.


Great post! I agree with you. So far the energy here has been very good.


Thank you, Mina!


People seem to be friendlier and polite on this site. Hope it stays that way.


Thank you, everyone, for your warm reception!


What a wise and positive post R_Kane! Wish you happiness too, and you are so right in that we should be happy with what we got already! I'm already very pleased with this place. Even if we may not have the numbers IMBD had, it compensates and surpasses IMDB with relatively more quality discussions and a cleaner nicer layout. The trending part is also great for discovering new shows and movies and see which boards have activity.


I want to bump this back to the top to remind us all that, only 15 days ago, some of us were concerned that MovieChat would fail due to lack of activity, and now we're getting wound up because of too much! We've become a victim of our own success, because our good energy not only has drawn good people here, it has inevitably drawn a small handful of pissed-off, damaged people to whom happiness and positivity are anathemae. These poor, tortured souls believe THEY can't create anything and their only way of getting attention is to destroy. Ignore them. Don't try to discuss anything. Don't fight. I learned long ago that the fastest way to end an argument is by agreeing with the other person. Then he doesn't have anywhere to go. You have neutralized him. Don't fight. Blessed be!


Great post!


Thank you, my friend ๐Ÿ˜


Hi R_Kane ๐Ÿ˜Š I love your opening post, this post, your logic and your beautiful attitude towards life. You bring much inspiration to us all! Thank you much! ๐Ÿ˜


Really nice post. Welcome


Thank you.


I enjoy it to. I met some great people and it feels like we never left.


I really like this post, and I am also glad to have you here along with everyone else! Welcome!!


Bump didi bump bump, bump bump



Sorry, I don't speak HTML. In English, please?


Oh come on, play along R lol...

Clicky me linkies ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚




VERY cool!! Now that's the spirit LOL!!!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
