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What TV Shows From the Past Do You Wish Were Making New Episodes?

I mean with the original cast, writing, etc. Not a remake or reboot.

Some I can think of would be Seinfeld, Deadwood, Community, Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23, The Sopranos.

Which would you pick?


Curb Your Enthusiasm (which will happen soon), Forever, Rubicon, Terra Nova... but mostly Forever.


Justified and Hell On Wheels.


Ugh, Justified was so so good....I don't think there needs to be more though. They got to tell their whole story and it was on for, what, 6 seasons? That's a damn great run.

Or are you just floating it out there as something you miss? I'm not trying to diss the notion, as I am a huge fan of the show, just wondering what else you would've liked to have seen from the story?


I'm a huge fan of Justified. Thinking about it makes me want to dig the Bluerays out and start watching again. They could have done more with the rest of the cast for side stories. Oh well life goes on. Just like our message boards Dreamer. :)


I've been meaning to rewatch it myself, I miss it! It was terribly well written, I always looked forward to what great line would come out of the next episode, haha.

I agree, it would've been nice to get more back story or action for folks like Tim, or Rachel, or hell even Dewey! They did a good job of crafting interesting supporting characters, but never went the extra mile in showcasing them a whole lot, here and there.


I would love a prequel of Justified. More adventures of Boyd Crowder. Or what happens to Loretta.
There are so many great characters in Justified and so many great actors.


I wish they would make some more episodes of Black Books, if only to hear Bernard Black hating on Amazon for 22 minutes.


Yes, Black Books!


Gossip Girl, How I Met Your Mother, Sex and the City. I know I know...but a girl has to have her shows!


I could have used another season of Dead Like Me.

Really got into Sarah Connor Chronicles and was bummed when that abruptly ended with a totally mind-boggling cliffhanger, but I'm not sure the writers even knew where they were going with that.

Other than that, it's hard to think of continuing even my most beloved shows because they almost always run their course and are ready to end.


It was really awful that Dead Like Me didn't get to continue. And the movie they did to "wrap it up" was real insult to the superior quality of the rest of the series.


I heard such bad things about the movie I never watched it. No Mandy Patenkin???


It's been a while since I watched the movie, but I do remember how disappointed I was. If I recall correctly, Pantinkin was not available, Daisy was recast, and the creative team was changed. It also felt like Ellen Muth had aged out of the role ever so slightly. The magic of the original series was absent, I felt, and it would have been better not to have done the film. You might see it differently, though.




Battlestar Galactica and Better Call Saul are the only ones I can think of

24 was worse, Arrested was worse... didn't watch Gilmore yet

Still I'm glad they at least tried.




Gilmore Girls was SO bad. I was never a huge fan of it to begin with, but it was fun and fluffy enough watching. 4 episodes didn't seem like too much of a hassle to get through, but boy oh boy, did they butcher it. Never have I seen a show just dismantle and hate their own characters so much! Bizarre.

I never got into X-Files despite it seeming up my alley, so I guess I wasn't missing out on much with the new ones.

I do have hopes for Twin Peaks just because I think it's better made for the current tv landscape, I think it'll fit in. No doubt those expectations are HIGH though for most of its fans. I'll be watching it out of curiosity, but I don't envy people competing against their own cult-hype.


"Battlestar Galactica and Better Call Saul are the only ones I can think of"

You scared me for a second. I checked and Better Call Saul is still running. The next season comes out a month from now.


I was responding to a sub thread that specifically asked which revival series were worthy of or better than the original.


Oh ok, my mistake.


Why do you say 24 was worse,IT wasn't to bad after all,by the way they made a sequel : 24 legacy,but i don't think it will be good whitout jack bauer


I really think it suffered from being a half season, maybe it's not the best example but I remembered feeling disappointed as it didn't build up the normal drama and tension of a regular year. Haven't seen 24 Legacy yet.


Well, there are a lot of shows I've heard of but I never personally watched. Ancient shows that I loved when they were out were: Seinfeld, Friends and Frasier. I still love watching those.

There was a little known show I used to watch on the Family Channel called Kyle XY. It ended with so many things up in the air and unresolved. I didn't like how it ended.

More recently I watched "Under the Dome" and "Resurrection". Both of these weren't renewed after a couple of seasons and both ended unresolved. Resurrection ended without ever answering why these dead people were coming back. It totally left you hanging.


Yes they should always at least have a proper finale. They could even have the writers come on and do an interactive Talking Dead like episode to answer questions from viewers if they didn't have the budget to finish the show. Because of this I tend not to watch shows that come out of the gate with bad ratings.



As a Seinfeld fan, you might enjoy the reunion of the cast on Curb Your Enthusiasm, S7E10. It shows about ten minutes of the new ep that Larry David and Co. created, updating their story lines, and incorporating more current references and tech. You can see it by searching "Curb Seinfeld", and going to the Slate Magazine link.

I thought it was very well done, and showed that the series could be revived, if David and the cast was willing.


Bring back Dexter to fix the bad ending.
