MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Reading posts as flat vs. nested



I agree it is hard to find the new reply when it's nested up higher in the thread.
Maybe also, have a way to go straight to the newest post in a thread? Like if you click the timestamp in the thread index, that could take you right to the latest post and have it highlighted in some way.


when I sign in, there is always a red number next to my name, it tells me someone replied to my comment, and how many replies, click on it and it brings you right to the reply, is that what you're talking about?


I meant in every thread, even ones I have not posted in.
Notifications are only when someone has replied directly to you. (nested)
It does not show the newest post in the thread.


I'd much rather have it this way than two (or more!) view options, as IMDb had it.

I'd prefer nested as default, and a link to go directly to the latest posts by clicking the timestamp. It was too confusing to have people have three viewing options.


Yeah totally agreed IMDB was way too confusing with 4 different options. I really like the nested comments here. Agree that it'd be handy to have a "jump" to latest post button though.


That, and an UP BUTTON. Depending, I'll read all the comments more than once. I'm sure Jim's working his heart out trying to get things done, kinks worked out. I actually don't understand how he gets any sleep. BUT, you'll be able to say you were here in its infancy.


You mean like a vote/like button? Or up as in jump to the top of the page?


Jump to the top of the page. I hope he doesn't add a vote/like button, IMO, it discourages comments.


Yeah I think I like the simplicity of how it is now. No likes, no votes. Everyone's opinion carries equal weight and can be heard.




I want an up button or, "to the top of the page," kind of thing too. It's just convenient and makes it a tad more user friendly. It is fun to see more replies than just the particular exchange you're engaged in, but I'm fine with having to scroll right now, it hasn't bothered me too much.

I'm just appreciative of any and all updates we get and have gotten!




I always used the flat mode on IMDb unless I was really confused about who somebody was replying to. I'm just more interested in the most recent posts. I hope we'll get both options eventually.
