Because... money. We're basically force fed excessive fads in media to coerce us into buying. Everything is governed by money in modern society.
But there are a vast majority who aren't so naive, cognitively lazy, and/or a simple-minded drone. There are many individuals who choose to not adhere to the status quo and follow their intuition, heart and common sense instead.
It's in our human nature, biologically and evolutionary speaking, to conform to society. But the extent to which we do is largely dictated by our personalities and intelligence. Those, I believe, who harbour the capacity to tap into their higher consciousness', don't easily fall prey to brain-washing.
The very fact that you're even asking these questions suggests to me that you're someone who follows his own path. Just be careful not to fall too deep into the existential enquiries of life, or you'll be buried under endless doubts and miseries. Knowledge is power but it does carry a heavy burden.