Your Names

I see all sorts of interesting names here. Share what they mean, how you ventured into creating the name, what inspired you, and if the name is what you had on IMDb.


MarlonBrawndo is my former IMDb name. I made it up on the spur of the moment when my original choice was already taken.

I used the first name of Marlon Brando, and took Brawndo, the name of the drink from "Idiocracy", which might be obvious. Melding them struck me as funny. I ran them together because IMDb didn't allow spaces.

This is a very entertaining thread. I've often wondered how some folks' chose their handles.


Ugh, I was sort of avoiding this thread, haha...but I feel compelled to participate because I'm addicted to message boards, I suppose!

"dreamers disease," is a song lyric and once I heard it I've always loved it and related to it. When I was trying, desperately, to think of a username for IMDb it popped into my head and I've had it ever since. I think it's a fairly good description of me and my moony ways :P My head has always been a more happening place than my surroundings and I've always been a big daydreamer and so it can feel like something of an affliction, or disease if you will, sometimes.

So, yeah, that's my lame answer/explanation. It's been nice reading all of yours!
p.s. the "x" in between is just to separate the words, but I kept it here cause I grew accustomed to it & kinda like the look of it.


Guess that would be "You get what you give" by the New Radicals?

Love that song.


You got it ;) Always a great listen!


I think imagination is something to be prized, nurtured, and held onto for as long as one can. Never an affliction. So much of our raising is aimed toward snuffing out the imagination, and conditioning us to be unthinking cogs in the machine. But imagination is what everything worthwhile (and some things not so worthwhile, admittedly) springs from. I hope you'll respect and treasure yours.


Aw, thank you for such a lovely reply. I agree with everything you've said. Imagination is an important thing and I wish people would give themselves more head space to do so. It can still feel like a hindrance, for me, sometimes, but that's a whole personal rabbit hole I'm not going to go into right now, haha

Anyways, I really appreciate the thoughtful response as I have for the several back and forth's we've had thus far!


Mine is my name.


I'm a nurse. Are you a medical doctor?


No, I'm a dentist.


My name is Adam and I'm a 60s buff/expert/afficionado. I was on IMDb since 2000; my name there was zensixties (I'm into Alan Watts too!)


Watts is brilliant and any fan of his is sure to bring some interesting discussion. Glad you are here.


I have all Alan Watts' books. Loved him since I first became interested in philosophy. The book that sees me through hard times is "The Wisdom of Insecurity" So short, and yet so powerful.


Back in 2000, I was playing a video game for the film The World is Not Enough. One of the multiplayer characters was wearing a snow suit. I entered the name, Undies. Been using it ever since.


I've been using this name for very long time, it's a carachter of the book "the picture of Dorian Gray" her love and pure soul impressed me when I was on my early teens. I used this name during the years and it stuck.


mine is Excidium, which is Latin for destruction or cataclysmic. I just like it and fine it to be a interesting one word name which I originally started using for gaming


1. thanks for my new favorite word
2. sounds like a harry potter spell


Jim, I worked a 24 hour shift today so I'm about to crash in bed and will resume replying to all these posts tomorrow. Until then, I mustered up the bit of energy I have left to ask you... what does your name mean, Jim? What inspired you? Is it the same name you had on IMDb? Were you even involved as a poster on the IMDb boards?

This should be interesting. 'Jim' has definitely got a background story to it, yup.


The background to my name is long and not at all interesting. I'm responding to you because you, and a couple others here, have a lot to do with why I've chosen this site to register on and stick around for. I've lurked for a few days, and ultimately decided this is most likely my IMDb replacement.

My name is the same here as it was there, with the intent of others recognizing me, even if they chose to register with a different name.


I hope it's b/c folks here are welcoming. I haven't seen you before welcome


Definitely it's because people here have been so welcoming :). I haven't seen you before either, but I thank you for the welcome. We were all suddenly left "homeless," and it's very nice to be welcomed.


Most people I've met seem nice.


I agree, the vast majority I've seen posting here have been very nice and welcoming. Very refreshing, and it makes me want to stay here. It's why I decided to register.


If you felt homeless why did you hate its moderation?

Face it, you loved IMDb.


No one cares about you or recognizing you. Get a life. IMDb had millions of users
