MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Please merge with

Looking at all the new movie message groups. Imo id say this one atm is the best one with near same as what was old imdb UI. The one you mention is very slick and looks great so id not merge but keep both separate to keep the competition going and pushing both to greater heights. Plenty of room for TWO super sites for movies fans to use as and when.


I'm gonna stay here.


Im on both. This one though is my favorite.


Competition is what will kill growth. It's not like selling a car, there are network effects.


I agree with kingkong. is the best one I've found so far.

How can we get more people to use this one as their imdb replacement? In the end, the board with the most users is the one I'll use.


spam the facebook imdb page thats how


I understand this site better. It feels familiar.



Yep, it's all about making sure this site is known on IMDB's Facebook page, that is where you will find the lost IMDB message board users who don't know where to go.


i need notifications




I'm getting settled. I'm here to watch the baby (site) grow.




It seems like imdbv2 has a lot of users by now, maybe even more than moviechat, but the interface is horrible and its not user friendly. To seach for a board/thread I have to actually prove I'm not a computer. Series and movies dont even have their own board, they simply have one thread. So honestly, moviechat is much much better and gives the feels of the old imdb message boards




imdbv2 is on a regular forum site, way too cumbersome for what imdb offered, each movie/show/actor having a separate board. This site and keep the original functionality.


themoviedb is closest to what imdb was, with all the entries and actor info. Even added notifications for forum replies.

moviechat extracted just the forum.


I just checked that site out. Even though it does reel me in with telling more details with movies and even the profiles of the actors/actresses with their names, the message board for the movie is downright horrible. I mean it does not have the thread layout like IMDb did. Even more so, it has space for like reported problems etc. that kind of congests what the message board should be for. I am hoping that this website could include those actor/actress profiles and like it is doing now, have the same layout as the IMDb message boards.

Even though that site is the closest thing, does not mean that this site could not get even closer. I am hoping and I am sure it will be something worth loving. This site is barely four days old.


So the msg board layout is horrible bcuz it's not like IMDB? Well, good. It doesn't need to be. It's it own forum site. I mean, it's find if you're not used to that type of layout for being on IMDb for a long time, but saying it's horrible, which I don't think so, bcuz it's not like another site, that's redundant. The steps to go one the board, click on a topic, and post is the same thing as IMDB. Same with this. And that space for reported problems I like bcuz if you have a problem with certain things on the board, you write to the owner and he'll try to fix it. Simple.


The layout was so confusing. OMG!!

I think that is probably why I am a moviechat fan.


I joined both TMDb and Moviechat, but ended up posting only 3 posts on TMDb and much more here.

The situation here and there is pretty much the same. Bunch of lost people trying to recreate a community. TMDb has a neat little thing called "Let's chat" where you can see which boards people post on. (now this site has a similar thing) Observing "Let's chat" you get a feeling that things got started over there at TMDb. But this is deceptive. It's mostly people bitching and complaining about IMDb on individual movie boards, similar to what's going on in their General talk.

Observing what's going on individual movie boards over at Tmdb, it dawned on me that it's pretty hard to start a meaningful conversation about a movie, cause everything has already been said and done on IMDb. It's really hard to start anew. Maybe that will change when new movies and series hit the big screen (and TV), but for older movies that's impossible. I realize that now.

And here lies the biggest advantage of Moviechat. You don't get the feeling that you have to start from scratch, cause old boards are already here. You can simply continue.




I see a lot of people here answering to old threads imported from IMDb like it's no big deal. lol.. I like that.

I saw a guy over at TMDb posting on some famous movie board (can't remember witch one) and he wrote "First!"

That's the first post on that particular board. I mean, it's logical, really. What else could he say? It's all been said before.




Well said


I like the layout on tmdb much better. And also that they have links to actors etc. But as someone said, it's plain boring to start the conversations from the scratch. You need some thing to start with.

If the movie chat message boards were to merge with that tmdb site that would be great (that way I will never have to go that EVIL site IMDb ever again for any reason )
