MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > PR needed to get this place packed :) Sp...

PR needed to get this place packed :) Spam in a nice way the official IMDB facebook pages!!!

Ive been hitting all the facebook page posts with a short line...

"Didnt take long!!! Check out the NEW MOVIE MESSAGE BOARDS setup by fans and get this they have archived all old data and comments of all the messages and posts left on films from the now closed imdb boards. :)";


Amen, me too!!




I know some consider this site a "Red Flag" b/c of asking for donations .




I've been doing my best on IMDb's Face*fcking*book page (which I never 'Liked' BTW) daily and see and support others there doing the same. Some people are thanking the info.

Putting effort also on my humble social media pages... But it doesn't seem like many users here Liked / Followed on Facebook nor Twitter @MovieChatOrg as they have a meager 38 Likes and 26 Followers respectively.

They could be a great way to spread the word, too.




I don't understand why the Save IMDb Boards petition didn't get presented to IMDb prior to last Sunday. It already had definitely more than the 10,000 goal quantity signatures on it by Wednesday or Thursday of the week that immediately preceded the pulling of the plug on the boards.




I think that IMDb is going to wind up discovering that users who left probably will never return, more than perhaps 40% of them, tops. Meanwhile, IMDb shot their self in the foot, as they generated competition that wouldn't have otherwise existed, and people have come to realize that we don't truly need IMDb to fulfill our needs and wishes, after all. So, whereas prior to last Sunday night IMDb was viewed by everyone as the MUST-GO-TO movie/t.v. site, now we're all feeling like there actually are options, and that the options are accommodations, whereas IMDb is not. As a result, the international messaging community has wound up permanently splintered into who knows how many different directions. It's sad that I'm sure there's many people, for example older type folks that aren't sure how to seek options out, who no doubt now simply have fully given up on thinking there's any options at all, so just never will be heard from again. (By the way, it would be great here on Movie Chat if we could hit Enter to post, and not need to use the Submit button unless we feel like. Would save an extra key stroke. :)




True: Now actual users, and people who care, are driving the surge in effort and in very vital activity. We're all passionate, know what we want and need, and building our own new "Utopia". And, in our cases, since now it's 2017, where it's okay to mix-and-match, rather than having to be exclusive to just one site, everyone wins, as we can spread the love around, and we benefit, and the sites benefit. It's win-win either way, as everyone gains, no one loses (including the sites). Some might say that unless you're exclusive it cheats the growth of one competing site or another. But I personally think it generates healthy innovation for the competing companies, that if there's no competition they can just "settle" and coast. Have options and then the goal is "build the better brand and they will come." :)


This is a lousy response to your wonderfully thought our reply here, but when you got to "Utopia," I seriously thought you might run with that and try to insert different titles of things throughout your post while remaining in context of what you were saying, hahaha

Oh man, that really would've been "As Good As It Gets."
Okay, sorry, I'll leave now...


LOL: Nah - I don't do politics and that sort of thing. :) PS: If I'm not mistaken, there's a Laurel & Hardy movie titled "Utopia". It's a comedy, though I don't remember what the story is actually about. lol


Nice...we have some good eggs here ;)


Hopefully none that are more than half cracked. ;)


...or rotten! We know how those smell!


I like "Enter" key for paragraph breaks, "Submit" button for posting. Paragraph breaks are essential for readability when we have a lot to say. :)


Please also tweet about it with @imdb #imdb #messageboards

I finally found an IMDB replacement I love and would like to see this site as the new board used by most people




Only problem is, would IMDb not look into this and try to thwart the efforts of Jim for this page? They could be insisting that we are competing with them and that all actors/actresses here, are being publicized by another page (this one) when they should have rights to that. Publicizing is not a bad thing, however, it needs to be watched on where we publicize.


I just looked at one of the exception-to-the-rules specific-title movie boards that I posted messages on throughout the years (most movies I've posted about aren't currently showing up as having any messages for them, even though I know they had numerous, back on IMDb). Curiously, that board has all the threads still on it, for that particular movie. Yet, on a particular thread that I was one of the leading posters on, that there was a lot of positive reply responses to (and absolutely nothing controversial, etc. was being discussed), my comments are entirely missing from the thread, while others still appear there. Also some other posters in the same thread are no longer showing up. It's weird, as some boards that have gotten reproduced have entries inexplicably missing within them. That said, most movies (all of them oldies) that I typically posted about don't have their message boards showing at all here, regrettably. So I'm, unfortunately, not finding hardly any of the past content that I had hoped to. PS: My past-posted comments on the thread I'm referring to definitely were there a day or two before IMDb zapped the boards, because I actually enjoyed reading back that thread, for old time's sake, just last week, on, actually, Sunday afternoon.




Genplant, your posts are missing because of a glitch in the system. Apparently only first 10 posts from every thread were saved for some reason. Fortunately there is a way to restore all the posts but it will take some time.


Good to know. Fortunately I actually do have a record of my posts I personally wanted saved as I manually copied out everything during the two weeks before IMDb zapped the boards. But I only saved out some of my own posts at that time, rather than also the other posts of within the same threads. That's how I was able to recognize where there are missing posts, as I had worked with them just before IMDb did it's number on us all. By the way, I'm liking the Edit and Delete features having been newly added here. :)




I typically posted (most frequently) on boards for movies of from roughly 1923-1934. There was a small posting base of "the usual" posters for those type boards, except when one of the movies in question would newly re-air on TCM, then every so often a flurry of new activity would occur. So I hope I'll eventually cross paths with some of the posters I remember, as it's hard now to find anyone else who's in to the really old fare, like I am. (Btw, I'm definitely not even close to being old, in case my movie preferences suggest that I am. lol. I just happen to really love VERY old movies. :) )




Good ol' Bob. Long may he live! :) Btw, I totally forgot about having boards; I used to be aware of them, but eventually forgot since I just always automatically went straight to IMDb boards (creature of habit here!). I'll need to see if anyone using a username I may recognize happens to be posting anything there. At present, it's like we're all in Displaced Person camps all over the globe, and everyone is hoping to eventually find their "family" who vanished during "the war."




I wonder how many different sites IMDb exiles dispersed to. I heard, last Saturday or so, that there were something like 60 different site options, at that time. But I can't imagine users actually spreading in THAT many different directions. Actually, many users are in foreign countries, and there may well even be various language-specific sites wherever, that we've never ever heard of.




Here and TMDb is the only two sites that appealed any to me, when I checked out a small smattering of options earlier in the weeks. I followed some leads that I noticed posters were tending to mention most often, though quickly realized where the fit felt right.


But, a wonderful thing, meanwhile, is that we're all meeting nice new people. So it's really actually revitalized the film-loving community (the posters thereof), as, until now, many of us may have settled very much in to a routine, whereas now all sorts of interesting new things are happening. The dynamic of everything is really getting a major shot of adrenaline in the arm.




I had always been a poster, whenever I actually could think of something new to say. Problem is that I had largely "tapped out" on my range of boards in question, as I'd previously already added posts, so thereafter didn't know of anything new to add that hadn't already been mentioned by either me or whomever else.


Nice new people.....

That is because we have still not seen the meanies, who we will soon wish we had the blocking feature enabled immediately for.

Imagine Jurassic Park with herbivores. *innocent Jurassic tune plays in the background* All it takes is that one T-REX to mess everything up. LOL


Too true, regrettably. I have a great idea: How about the trolls create an All Trolls paradise destination site for their own selves to dwell merrily within, and to enjoy feeding off of one another. After all, that's their "thing." :)


Because they do not want to take responsibility for their actions. Their thing is to tear down civilized websites. In fact, they spend so much time trolling and bullying, they probably have very little time to get educated in being able to make their own sites.






Just done my daily spam effort on imdb fb page :o


