MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why Change a User Name?

Why Change a User Name?

I have seen members post here "Did you used to go by _______ over at imdb?" or "I was _______ over there."

I don't understand why a user would change their name in the jump from there to here....since we were all (seemingly) wanting to reconnect with familiar people.

I switched in some capital letters in mine (because I got tired of people thinking my name was Cookiela (like some character on Kukla, Fran & Ollie or something), but why go so drastic as to create a totally different handle?

I'm curious...


Good question.


C'mon y'all.




Yes, on all the IMDB "refugee" sites I'm on, I've used the same username and the same avatar (on the sites that allow avatars).

I think maintaining the same identity we had on IMDB is important and good for morale.


I have no idea why someone would do that. A user name is your identity online. I do know for security purposes you are not use the same user name on different sites. But since this is like IMDB I've used my same name.


If you want to see your old posts then you have to use your imdb name.


pankoeken did you just arrive? Look around. We have good stuff here.



I think people may have given themselves their username a long time ago and fancy a change. I chose mine years and years ago and did consider changing it but just thought it would be better to ensure continuity


When I joined IMDb many years ago it was under a different username. I see that at least some of my posts under my old name survived.

Changed the original name as there is not much danger of anyone else taking it. Both names are combinations of my own and those of two of my cats, but for various reasons I was more happy with the second name and at least it's more updated as the cats go, though not current. Perhaps if we get user profiles with avatars and signature lines I should include the old name in the signature line so people can connect my new with my previous contributions, but I just felt, new start, new name.

(A signature line might also include that I was an IMDb member of 17 years to the month...lest we forget!)
