MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > UPDATE: Nested Replies Are Here!

UPDATE: Nested Replies Are Here!

You can now comment on individual replies within a thread by clicking "reply" in the bottom left corner of a post.

To hide all comments for a particular reply, just click the [-] button beside the reply. To unhide again, click the [+].

I've also fixed the getting logged out problem. Going forward, whenever I update the site, you should remain logged in (you'll need to log in again once following this update, but going forward you should remain logged in).


Excellent work Jim.
You are basically recreating the IMDB forum.
All the message boards for the shows I have searched for, thus far, have been copied over correctly to your forum.


I am really appreciate your work. Another feature is badly needed, Notification system. Without it we can't really work it out is there any reply added in my post or my own reply. Every time we need to get to our profile and check our "post list" and "reply list" for update. Its time consuming and annoying if you busy with wrok. So brother, we hope notification system will be added soon.


Oh yeah, notifications would be great. I think with an Edit function and notifications, we'd be getting pretty close to completion.

Avatars would be nice too but far from essential.






I never bothered with avatars at IMDb, either. I prefer the minimal look of this site, and have eschewed many forums because the avatars, animated gifs, etc. clutter the pages and make it hard to quickly find what someone has said (also, I have a hard time focusing on conversation when the back of my brain is saying, "Oh, dancing bears, dancing bears...")


Yes, I really appreciate Jim's work, too. I had noticed he had nested threads, private messaging, notifications, etc. on the slate of things to do, and I'm really glad he rolled out the nesting before the notifications. If it had been the other way around, with the site still displaying single inline threads, it could be unclear which post to reply to, leading to people getting notifications of replies that may not make sense. It seems Jim has thought the process through. :)


Like others have said, good job Jim! This helps a lot.

I also echo the sentiment that I hope an edit function is next.




That's great news! Thank you very much, Jim.


Jim do you think eventually the posts will be side ways instead of up and down like it was on imdb? If so I think everyone who was a poster there will come here in a heartbeat.


Wow, it's coming along nicely Jim!! All those other sites can eat their hearts out!!!! 😊😊😊😊


This is wonderful. I prefer it to the nesting system at iMDb boards, where you had to click every reply to expand the nesting. This has everything visible right from the beginning.
Thank you for how quickly you are adding the requests!

Oooh and I just noticed that the whole thread is visible below the posting box too. Awesome stuff.




Yes, 9 is correct.


I was always viewing IMDB as an unregistered user so I guess that threaded mode was default. I always had to click to expand each subthread, or else click "flat", but it never remembered my preference since I was viewing as a guest and I had to click it every time. I never bothered to register there but I decided to register here to thank jim for making this place!


::::thumbs up::::
