MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Sort of an overview of one's movie taste...

Sort of an overview of one's movie taste...

It's interesting starting out here on a new site, because it's made me review what I used the imdb message boards FOR. Looking back, what I loved about the message boards was that they made me LAUGH! For instance, I never went to the board for CITIZEN KANE....but the board for OPEN WATER II had a thread about the baby that was onboard (we called him selfish for not lowering the ladder to save everyone) that still makes me choke when I think of it. I would occasionally peek at a board for a new release, but mostly liked to talk about classic films....or something I'd admired for a long time (like THE RAPTURE, 1991.) I didn't use the boards to praise films so much as to chuckle with other users about what was crazy about them. The boards I liked best were for wild films like MOMMIE DEAREST, where you would just be like "?!?!". Or you could find obscure stuff, like posters arguing about the first floor layout of the Bates house in PSYCHO (the entryway looks different in the exterior vs. interior shots.) Even for shows I liked, such as DOWNTON ABBEY, I went there to laugh about its odd aspects. I'm not's just that I don't need reinforcement for what I like. It was more about affirming what's OFF with a piece of art : )




The board that made me sign up for IMDb way back in 2005 after lurking for at least four years was the board for the movie Kinsey starring Liam Neeson. There was a guy who had been trolling that board for a while pretending to be an ESOL speaker who needed sex advice and the regulars on the board all went along with it and encouraged him to be more and more ridiculous. I can't explain it but on that night it was the funniest thing I'd ever read.


Wish I could edit replies. I also remember enjoying the 100 Things learned from the movie Scream.


Another thread I LOVED was called "Hey" and then "The Return of Hey" and finally "The Second Return of Hey" on the ROSEMARY'S BABY board. The dialogue in that film is very naturalistic yet theatrical at the same time, and the plot has a lot of open ended stuff in the lines are just kind of all over the place and can refer to a lot of different things. For some reason, there are a lot of people who are practically OBSESSED with that movie, and the thing was to reply to the poster above you with a line that could follow in a new way. So, the first weirdly, BOLDLY serious line in the movie is, "Hey....let's make love." And you could answer with any number of lines and just keep going. (Like Rosemary's "Oh, are you sure it wouldn't be too much trouble?" From much later in the film, when neighbors invite her to dinner.) Anyway, you kind of had to be there, but that thread was always a HOWL if you love that movie!!!


I've always maintained that to be critical is to come from a place of love for something or even someone.

If you love something so much you can crack on it knowing it won't change your love for it as well as well as knowing it has the capability to be better (this line of thinking works more for an ongoing show than a film though, I suppose) and you're so invested that you want that for it.

Pointing this stuff out or getting at chuckle out of it all comes within the territory of being a fan, I believe, and also not letting yourself become just a blind worshiper or something because you like it. Critical thinking and laughter are what make these kinds of boards!


Wowzers...we sure do need an edit button, haha!




IMDB was also a great place to go follow up on gossip you'd heard about a star. For instance, as actor Randy Quaid disintegrated into his folies à deluxe MADNESS, you could go to his board to ask "WHAT is happening with him???" And get good, informed answers and links to articles.
