MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Looking for links

Looking for links

This site has a MASH board that I got to via a link. Links seem to be the only way in to specific boards until I figure out why I can not come in via a general search. Anyways, I am looking for links for Star Trek TOS, The Big Bang Theory, and Roseanne.


Type them into the search bar.


Big Bang Theory:

Star Trek TOS:

Also, we can now comment on specific episodes of our favorite TV shows. You weren't able to before on IMDB.

Here's an example (Star Trek Season 1, Episode 9 -- "Dagger of the Mind")

You'll notice there will be no posts, but that's because IMDB didn't allow us to comment on specific episodes like this before. So it's normal to see no posts, but you are now free to start a conversation for any episode.


Thanks for the replies. Switching the browser did the trick. Search function now works.
