MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Missing nesting

Missing nesting

Replies should be nested.


wow this so so true.

the single inline thread will be the demise of this board.


Its a new site,give the guy a break,its the best alternative to imdb msg boards,no pleasing some people!


no kidding -- MC.o is working miracles -- yet unlike god, jim hasn't even had 6 days yet.


I believe it'll get there, it just needs some time. Jim seems to be working tirelessly to fulfill all the wants/needs of the things people have been posting here.

The site is still in its infancy though, so right now we just sort have to wait it out and do what we can to keep it going.


"the single inline thread will be the demise of this board."

Demise? It's only just gotten started. It's a few days old. They're working on it.



holy crap -- "rome wasn't built in a daze."


oh yeah, i see now in the "important notice" that it's being worked on. that's good. i guess this is a huge undertaking. I guess there is a lot of money that could be made if it is successful.

i wonder why imdb didn't just sell off their message boards instead of killing it. it seems like it could have been a valuable resource, but then again maybe they figured they would just be competing with themselves if they let somebody else buy it.


Somehow, when I read "missing nesting" I got an image of people the OP was recently divorced or something : )


Yes, as treeroped said, for anyone who missed it, there's a notice at the top on the homepage that says:

"We are working around the clock on new features such as nested/threaded replies, private messaging, updated design, notifications, etc."

So more features are coming. We just gotta be patient.


^^ I believe the reason IMDB didn't sell the message boards are at the very least give it to someone is because they were receiving pressure from the movie studios to shut down discussions. Facebook posts get buried right away (which is why no one uses them for discussion) but IMDb discussions got too much viewing. Censorship has always been the way to control the masses...
