MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > IMDb Trolls/ Cyberbullies

IMDb Trolls/ Cyberbullies

Very disappointed that the IMDb TV show chat boards are gone. Just sad that they gave in to the Trolls & Cyberbullies. I've saw some downright horrible abusive stuff especially on the Full House page & find it hard to believe the admin had no way of permanently banning some of the worst offenders from the board by tracking them by their IP address.


It wasn't the trolls. It was a money decision. The forums were not making any money for the bigwigs and stockholders.


I think it was a combination of money + trolls. A big public-facing company like Amazon doesn't necessarily want to be associated with hate speech, profanity, troll posts, etc.


"I think it was a combination of money + trolls. A big public-facing company like Amazon doesn't necessarily want to be associated with hate speech, profanity, troll posts, etc."

I dunno. Google is an even bigger public-facing company and they don't seem to care much about the far worse cesspool that is the Youtube comment sections.


Also sorry to see that IMDb gave into the trolls/bullies. Some of the posts on the Full House board were brutal. Strange considering it's a fairly wholesome, family oriented program. I'm willing to give moviechat a chance though.


Good point, but there are lots of rumors that Youtube may be removing, or at least changing, the way they handle comments. We'll see how it plays out.

But also important to keep in mind that Amazon and Google are two very different companies. Amazon sells products to consumers and must keep an untainted brand image, Google not so much (IMO).


The trolls from walking dead on IMDb would do a click bait,so once you click on the link they can get your ip adress and give out your information if you mess with them


True, I've witnessed several doxxings on The Walking Dead/Game of Thrones boards.

And if someone reported a troll post, the troll and his buddies (and their socks) would start reporting that innocent person's posts and get HIM banned.


The problem was the community dodnt do anything at large. Either they thought it was funny or deserved.

I think at least here, we can try not to repeat history.
