MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I hope this site will allow us to reply ...

I hope this site will allow us to reply to specific comments

The chronological sequence of the comments is a drawback here.


The main page says the thread format is something they're planning to work on. So i'm sure it will improve soon. The site is still in its infancy thus far.


Rome wasn't built in a day....I believe is being run by some dude in his garage on a commodore 64....give him a break!


I didn't mean to sound critical. I'm glad this site is here, and I hope it really takes off. It would be great if the creator of MovieChat cashes in. I'm hoping to see some familiar faces (yeah, faces would be nice, too...but I'll be patient) from IMDb, as well as get acquainted with some interesting new people here.


I understand that it can feel or look ungrateful to complain. But if this site is to succeed, it needs to be the best version of itself that it can be. And I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that the importance of this succeeding (or something very much like it) is vast in terms of artistic/intellectual/cultural capital. Vast. Like the lost library of Alexandria vast, at least for cinephiles.


That is my only problem so far. It makes it harder to ignore the idiots. I really hope this site retools things and can fulfill the void IMDb left. It needs time and patience to do this though.


We might have different definitions of "idiots"...I might be on your list, though I'd hope not.

On IMDb, I had tolerance for most of those who posted about topics which had been overdone, or who knew very little about the shows on which they were commenting; those folks might develop into valued commentors in time. I felt the same about those who were inarticulate, or didn't use language well. They might still have a point to make.

The ones I had little time for were those who were just trying to provoke others. I'd either find some sliver of their comment I agreed with, or just not respond at all, and they seemed to dry up and blow away.

There were some regulars on the boards who were extremely astute in their comments, and added so much, but seemed absolutely unable to let any obvious trolling or provocation pass, and would get into long, pointless dialogues with the provocateurs. It always lowered my opinion of them a little. I had one tell me I was the most polite person they'd seen on any board. I don't know that that's true; I just don't waste time on the maladjusted.
