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Is this what surviving a nuclear hollocaust will be like?

We scramble about woozily through the wreckage, shell shocked....looking for a familiar face, a beloved thread...everything gone so quickly.



Lol. It feels like we're survivors finding other survivors.


Heeeey....I asked you if you had a tent in the other thread, and offered to share my water. So funny we'd end up as the first survivors in this wasteland! Best wishes to you...glad you survived.


Yep.... I feel like Jason Robards in "The Day After"


@USA I always get THE DAY AFTER mixed up with the one with Jane Alexander (TESTAMENT??)


The imdb board shutdown did feel like an apocalypse, lol. Boards getting nuked left and right, like towns disappearing from the Earth. You try to make one last post but you can't, like public services collapsing. You try to make contact with your friends one last time, even just to say goodbye, but you no longer can, like we all got separated as boards disappeared and the survivors fled to the wilderness.

I actually had just made a new friend there (swell timing, right?) and tried to contact him today to find a way we could stay in touch, unaware that the boards were closing down a day early, but the messaging system shut down just as I was doing that and I was unable to reach him. Hopefully he'll find his way here with the rest of us refugees.


@Kira...your post made me laugh. Then there was the last minute scramble to try to archive threads that made you laugh, via cut and paste to a word doc. WHAT TO SAVE???? And all the while the lights flickering, and "D'oh" coming up. It was madness!


I agree Kawada. It was crazy...I went to this one board and saw a post that said "omg it's happening!". I clicked on it and POOF. Everything was just gone. It really was like I had witnessed an apocalypse. That post was like the final cries of the people as they realized what was happening, and that they would be gone forever in a matter of seconds. As dramatic as this might sound, it was kind of eerie to see that, really. Boards that had been active for years and years gone just like that! :(


If you go to IMDB now, they still have that "News & Community" tab at the top. Hah. There is no community.
