MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > It feels good being in a lifeboat

It feels good being in a lifeboat

Takes a lot of the pain away, I mean here I am seeing familar faces posting and if you imagine hard enough it's like the boards never went away!


And maybe all this will be for the better in the end - Wikipedia and this site should, and I'm confident will, satisfy us users nicely - the good 'ol Wiki deserves the gained traffic.


That is what my wife said!! !exactly


Much better than still being on the Titanic.




Although I was sort of an infrequent poster on IMDb, (marciaOh on IMDb) I was a frequent reader of the boards, referring to them constantly after watching a film or TV show. I was surprised at how strongly the termination of the boards struck me. It was sort like suddenly losing a friend I went to for conversation all the time. I am so happy MovieChat has sprung up like a lighthouse to guide me from the sea of lost souls looking for a home after losing the IMDb boards.


Hi Elizabeth Welcome to moviechat. I haven't seen you before . Kick off your shoes and stay a while


Thanks! I will definitely stick around. Yes. It does feel good being in a lifeboat after drifting for a few days!


And it feels good to be a gansta!
