MovieChat Forums > So Bad They're Good > The Paul Lynde Halloween Special

The Paul Lynde Halloween Special

This originally aired on US tv in October of 1976 and featured comedian Paul Lynde with guests Margaret Hamilton (the witch from THE WIZARD OF OZ), Florence Henderson (Mrs Brady Bunch), fellow comedian Tim Conway, Billie Hayes (Witchiepoo from H R PUFNSTUF), Roz Kelly (Pinky Tuscadero in HAPPY DAYS) and rock band KISS (who look like fish out of water). Hilariously bad but fun at the same time.


Just bought this. The black and white stills make it appear that Margaret Hamilton just put on a black dress and witches' hat, but she is indeed in green make-up. To pair her with Billie Hayes' Witchie-Poo as sisters makes me wonder if Oz and the Living Island are near each other. And what did Witchie-Poo do when she learned of her other sister's death?

"Great theater makes you smile. Outstanding theater may make you weep."


I own this dvd. I love, love, love Paul Lynde. The collection of guest stars is bizarre in the extreme.


I wonder if they will release THE PAUL LYNDE SHOW on dvd ? -
It only lasted one season but that hasn't stopped other shows that were short lived from being released on dvd. Examples of this are BEYOND WESTWORLD, FUTURE COP and MANIMAL.
