MovieChat Forums > So Bad They're Good > Halloween lll and End Of Days

Halloween lll and End Of Days

People give these movies hard times but I think they both are exciting and fun movies.

You guys should see the marathon I did with those movies plus Exorcist, Carrie, End of Days, The Omen, and Rosemary's Baby titled When Evil Rises. You guys can check it out on my blog.


Nice! I really dig Halloween lll. I think its really a good movie. Maybe should of titled it something else though.


Agreed. Halloween III was great. Not such a fan of End of Days but it was ok.

"Worthington, we're being attacked by giant bats!"


Halloween 3: Season of the Witch (1982) I give a 7,5/10. The best "sequel" of the Halloween series, and I might be alone on this one, but I prefer it over the first one too. Great acting, unpredictable plot, gory, atmospheric, fantastatic music and you have a ice cold lunatic (straight from a James Bond film) who wants to get rid of as many kids as possible in such a brutal and sadistic way, that it makes Myers seem like an innocent puppy.
I never thought of it as a "so-bad-its-good" type of film, it's just that it has gotten a rotten reputation thanks to those who just want to see the same boring plot, over and over, and over again. Halloween 4,5 are so bad theyre not even good or entertaining, just dull and boring movies with no guts. They should have killed off Myers for good after the second one, so we could have a Halloween themed horror movie every year, like it was planned. Sadly that idea died with Season of the Witch.

End of Days (1999) is a mediocre Arnold film. I really wanted to enjoy it, but it's just not that good or entertaining, even though Byrne does a good job as the baddie. 5/10


good movie my ass. it sucks


Halloween 3 0/10
end of days 1/10


I love Halloween III. It's got a very unusual plot, some good atmosphere, great score and super likeable Tom Atkins to root for.

I've always liked this movie.


Haha, get the hell out of here, lol. Halloween 3 and End of Days are two severely underrated movies and Halloween 3 is genuinely a great horror movie, people just have to whine about no Myers. Look how that turned out...
