MovieChat Forums > Experimental and Avant-Garde > Hypothetical streaming mini-series House...

Hypothetical streaming mini-series House Of Leaves

With Netflix picking up the new season of Arrested Development and making House Of Cards, along with searching around for other original programming this could be possible. I also read earlier that Amazon Prime is starting to film pilots which are going to be aired for all the subscribers to vote on rather than a small test audience to see what viewers want. This opens up a huge possibility of fans seeing what they want as well us adapting things that simply cannot be jammed into a 2 or 3 hour movie.

So this is where Mark Z Danielewski's House Of Leaves comes into play. The book would be impossible to get most anything across in a movie, but in a one or two-part 10 episode mini-series it could actually be pretty fantastic.

So assuming all of this would come to fruition, a big jump in itself, I would love to see Charlie Kaufman take a crack at it. I think he would be the most suitable writer (and probably director) to make a project like this occur. Some of my friends have suggested David Lynch (of course they would) but I feel he would take an already fantastic and complex story and probably make it unnecessarily convoluted.

Anyone else have any thoughts on the subject?

You look like a goddamn, strange sort of Mexican Grimace


House of Leaves is so dependent on being a book, I can't really see it being translated well to film.

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It'd be awesome if they could get Uwe Boll to direct.



But seriously, a mini-series for House of Leaves would be interesting. However, I agree with the previous poster in that I'm not sure how well the book would translate to film.
