
Sadie Thompson is being shipped as of 07/18/16.Wouldn't it be great if the delayed stemmed form finding the audio ,35mm stereo sound track in great shape and they e were syncing it in .The company could have recreated the stereo ,if they wanted to,since the tape is lost forever.Well at least the 3D exist.My mom one time told me that a soundtrack from Sadie Thompson was released in 33 and a half, years ago ,but it figure it was mono ,before the introduction of stereo record players by 1957.


I think it just took longer to make than they expected.
I received my shipping message to day.

"Say it with flowers . . . give her a Triffid."


My copy of "Miss Sadie Thompson" arrived today. Nice 3D photography without labouring the point and a great turn from Rita Hayworth, although her singing is dubbed. Some terrible overacting from just about everyone else: all the marines seem to think they're auditioning for "South Pacific".

"Say it with flowers . . . give her a Triffid."
