MovieChat Forums > LGBT Film > 'Orange Is The New Black'

'Orange Is The New Black'

What do you guys think of this? I only saw the first episode and I found it pretty decent. How would those of you that have seen it rank it among other dramas with lesbian characters , such as "The L Word" etc?



I binge watched the entire 1st season. I loved it! You should come over to the OITNB Boards

As for a comparison, the dynamic compared to The L Word is obviously different but the best thing about the series is the camaraderie between the women. Keep watching (because the first episode is a big draggy) it gets so good (but dont binge watch cuz now im suffering from withdrawals waiting for S2)


it was kinda draggy (and not in the Rupal's Drag Race kinda way) which is why I'm still not sure about this one. I felt that the transitions between the main character's life before prison and th prison scenes were not handled too well either, the sequences with Jason Biggs never really worked for me. But I'll give it a few more episodes. I'll make sure to stop by the OITNB boards : )



Yeah no one likes JB lol He will annoy you the whole season unfortunately. The scenes with Crazy Eyes and Alex (whether you are into LP or not her chemistry with Taylor Schilling is insanely hot) make everything all better I promise!! There are running jokes through out the entire season and you really get to enjoy the characters (esp when Taryn Manning comes in the mix).....and look at me trying to sell it. Give it until Ep. 5 pretty please then let me know what the verdict is


Sure, I'll give it untiö Ep 5. I'll post my thoughts on the OITNB board : )



Ep 1 was probably the worst ep, I almost quit after that but it gets much better.

It has its ups and downs. It's not nearly as focused on the LGBT community as shows like the L Word, so I'm not as into it as I could be. But on the other hand I do think it has a better storyline than The L Word or Lip Service, but then again I'm just not a huge fan of that particular style of soap.

I'd rank it below shows like South of Nowhere and Sugar Rush. But it's a quality drama in the HBO/Showtime vein.

Honestly I don't really consider it an LGBT show like L Word, Queer as Folk, etc. I consider it more in the vein of The Good Wife or Glee with some gay characters. But that's just my opinion.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


I think your explanations as to why some are slow to warm up to the show are why I have yet to finish it. I started watching over a month ago and in fact stopped watching in the middle of episode 5, but I am thinking of going back to it, even though these days I do watch a lot of my entertainment by genre, and because there really isn't a gay community in my small town, I try to stay as close to the wire as I can through media, activists websites, etc.

Don't threaten me, Al! You're out of shape, I'll kick your arse. -Lisa Weird Science


Stick with it! Pennsatucky and Crazy Eyes alone make the show worth watching. I really think the stale mate is Jason Biggs. He ruins the show for me but I keep my focus on the inmate's subplots and it made a big difference.


I haven't got around to watching it yet, but is it similar to Bad Girls ( There was a planned US remake of that, but it never went anywhere.
