MovieChat Forums > LGBT Film > Is There A Show/Movie Out There?

Is There A Show/Movie Out There?

This was originally posted on the L word board but I wanted some perspective/thought from the peeps on here too. i guess what I am asking for is two things really:

Movie Recommendations for stuff that deals with people or relationship outside of "Homo" or "Hetero" relationships

and I'm also asking the board if a TV show I mention below is really that hard to realize in this day and age. here is my original post from "The l word" board:

Is There A Show/Movie Out There that focuses on a group of Bisexuals the way that "The L word" does on lesbians? Or just any shows that deals with sexual orientations outside of just "Homo" and "Hetero". I don't feel like people outside of these two are being very represented in TV.

When there is mention of bisexuality for example, it seems to often be negative in tone (The way that some L word fans and L word characters reacted to Tina being with a man is one example) or just prejudiced ("Bisexuals are "Promisious" see Ally Mcbeal S3 E13).

Why is there no "The Bi Word" OR "A is for Asexual" etc etc. They don't need to have "their own shows" even .Is it really that difficult to make a show that depicts people from various genders and orientations, from all walks of life in one show?

A show that can deal with universal issues aswell as issues specific to a certain community without being alienating to another(I think The L word managed to be relevant to Lesbians and non-lesbians alike)?

Maybe I am asking for too much, considering the fact that stuff like QAF and The L Word even got made in the first place is an achivement.

One can always hope though.

Peace ya'll


hmmmm... I think something will be made soon. In all fairness it HAS to be. The major break throughs were QAF and The L Word and now that the "hard part" is over I have faith someone will come along and start representing the rest of the community. Its only a matter of time.


I think a bi show would be more difficult to do, b/c writing a bisexual character is way more complex than with a gay or lesbian character

With a gay or lesbian character all you have to do is boy meets boy or girl meets girl, either way the audience always knows that this is a gay/lesbian show.

The biggest obstacle would be writing a show and characters that felt legitimately bisexual. For example lets say the show is about a bisexual guy named Jake and look at some possible story arcs for a first season

1. Jake reveals he's bi to friends and family in first ep and explains how it's not the same as being gay
2. Jake spends the first 3-4 episodes causally dating men and women
3a. Jake meets Jim who will be his primary love interest for the season
3b. Jake meets Jess who will be his primary love interest for the season

--Now we've run into a problem, b/c if Jake & Jim happen, the rest of the season will feel like a "gay" show, and if Jake & Jess happens, it will feel like Jake was just experimenting earlier and that he's either really straight or that he is at least choosing to be straight (which would piss off gays as it kind of validates the "it's a choice" argument).

The only way to show that Jake isn't really just gay or just straight would be for him to end up either dumping Jim or Jess for someone the opposite sex of them, or cheating on Jim or jess throughout the end of the season with someone the opposite sex of them

But then we run into problems again b/c if Jake cheats on either, he will become unlikeable and also fuel stereotypes that bisexuals are promiscuous. Also while if he dumps Jake for a woman the audience would see him more as bi, than if he dumped Jess for a man b/c they would view him as "really being gay." This would create limits for what the writers could do with Jake's story.

Various other factors could change how audiences feel about the show, for instance if Jake goes to one to many gay bars, potentially dates one to many men, or just has one to many gay or even lesbian friends, audiences may view it more as a gay show than a bi one.

There are 3 possible routes however to better present bisexuality

1.Swingers: Perhaps Jake is married to Jess and they invite the occasional guest to their bedroom whether it be male or female, but for it to be truly bi, Jake would have to do things with male guest other than tag teaming Jess, and Jess would have to do things with the new female other than some making out and watching the new girl bang her husband.

Problems- could still fuel the bi's are promiscuous accusations if poorly written.

2. Giglo: Jake is a giglo who doesn't mind clients from either gender.

Problems- If Jake chooses to be with only women or only men when off the clock, he won't really appear to be bi, plus the promiscuous thing again.

3. I think the best way to go about it would be to have a show with 3 main leads who are all bi and in a polyamorous relationship. This is different than swingers b/c swingers is a couple that recreationally invites someone up to spend the night with them, a polyamorous triangle, would all be committed equally to each other. It would have to be a M-F-M triangle b/c a M-F-F triangle would make it seem like the guy was not bi, and be to reminiscent of polygamy. So instead picture Jake, Jim, and Jess all in a committed relationship with each-other, where they're all in love with each other, etc. As far as love scenes go, we could have a Jake, Jim, and Jess threesomes, with occasional couplings of Jake and Jim or Jess with either guy.

problems- doesn't really depict the bi single/dating life, plus general accusations of polygamy (which is different- polygamy all partners married to and only love one (usually) guy. Polyamory all partners essentially married to eachother)


Interesting example. I thhink it very clearly presents many of the issues that a show like this would face.



@Latigra . Lol, it seems I responded to my own comment by mistake. I meant to tell you that I hope you are right concerning the creation of such a show! : )

