The Evolutionary Science of Homophobia. nary-science-of-homophobia.html
I'm rare among modern Pro-Gay Christians in also being a Conservative Fundamentalist/Bible Literalistic, and visa-versa. What I find saddest about that though is I've had trouble on Facebook finding fellow Pro-Gay Christians who are also enemies of the Theory of Evolution.
See, the arguments these Republican Party Christians use when their trying to add secular non Biblical reasons for supporting their positions on Homosexuality, all in fact sound very Darwinian and Materialist to me. Insisting that only the sex that can continue the reproduction of the species is valid. To Evolutionists the only reason sex is so pleasurable is to motivate us to engage it and make sure the species continues.
And I have encountered Atheists online who are Homophobic for all these reasons. It's not just radical Christians who propagate modern Homophobia. These encounters were on IMDB a long time ago so I can no longer document them. But these were Atheist individuals who had no problem questioning my masculinity (the usual overlap of Sexism and Homophobia) for not liking Sports, and liking TV shows stereotypically meant for women. And pretty blatantly accusing all Bisexuals of just lying for attention.
It's because I believe in Intelligent Design and Six-Day Young Earth Creationism, and that God gave us a Spirit and a Soul, not just flesh, that I believe sex has a spiritual purpose too, not just biological. And because I don't hand wave away the Song of Solomon and it's details I know that God is okay with sexual expressions that are non reproductive. It is also an expression of Love, the love between a Man and a Woman is the not the only love The Bible considers valid.
To some of the most Anti-Christian people out there right now, it's pretty obvious that Homophobia wouldn't exist at all if it wasn't for The Bible verses that get misused on that subject. The Homophobia of the last, two centuries is a uniquely vile monster unprecedented in earlier eras of Secular or Church history. However the basic fallen human sensibilities that lead to it can be documented to have existed B.C. Just look at how Julius Caesar was degenerated by being called "Every woman's man and every man's woman". The roots of the Church's homophobia seemed to enter the Church very early on, but no earlier then it's Anti-Semitic tendencies which also popped up in the Second Century.
But our modern notions of Sexual Orientation were purely the invention of Victorian scientists and psychologists. And indeed it was not originally conservative Christians who (from the Evolutionists' POV) "Rejected Science", who first sought to proclaim Homosexuality a "Pathology", to label it a mental disorder the same as Pedophilia, or an addiction the same as Alcoholism. And Lesbianism in particular an example of how scarey and threatening untamed female sexuality is, and thus labeled it another symptom of "hysteria". No, it was Scientists who first did this, Scientists who whether professing "Christians" or not, embraced the ideas of Darwin and Galton and their fore-bearers.
Creationists have a long history of pointing out how the Evolutionary theory has contributed to the history of the evils of Racism and Eugenics. Darwin's book was racist in it's very name, and filled with Racists and Sexists comments.
It's now an proven scientific fact that Homosexuality and Bisexuality are perfectly natural and normal variations of human sexuality. And to me that is a problem for the Theory of Evolution, whether Evolutionists want to admit that or not. I know all the usual arguments about how homosexuality can be genetic even when homosexuals don't usually reproduce, but those are rationalizations. If the Evolutionary model were true, any genes that do not further propagate the species should have been gotten rid of by Natural Selection ages ago.
So I think Creationists should embrace LGBT people, as proving what Jesus said about being "Born Eunuchs", and disproving the logic of Darwinian Natural Selection.
"There's no art to this war Spencer"-Alison DiLaurentis