heterophobia, does it exist?
I was browsing the great gatsby forum and i came across a user who was vehemently advocating that homosexuals perpetuate the idea of "heterophobia". His original post was deleted by an admin, but he continued to argue for the idea. Take a look at some of his posts and see what you think.
"Homophobic is fake term made up by the gays to cover the real truth that there was heterophobia long before."
Seriously, what's your problem man?
Why do you hate heterosexuals? That's a hate crime.
Stop being such a bigot."
"It's my right to love a person of the opposite sex and not have to worry about people getting in my face about it.
I am tired of you bigoted heterophobic people trying to push your crap on my rights.
Go die in a ditch you bigoted, simpleton troll."
"When a man loves a woman, they have every right to a holy matrimony. They also have a legal right to hold hands and kiss each other in public without fear of heterophobic individuals such as yourself telling them they are wrong and forcing their views onto other people.
Individuals like yourself are why bigotism exists in this world."
I know that he is trolling, but clearly for someone to even type such a ridiculous notion means that somewhere in his subconscious he entertains the idea.