MovieChat Forums > LGBT Film > heterophobia, does it exist?

heterophobia, does it exist?

I was browsing the great gatsby forum and i came across a user who was vehemently advocating that homosexuals perpetuate the idea of "heterophobia". His original post was deleted by an admin, but he continued to argue for the idea. Take a look at some of his posts and see what you think.

"Homophobic is fake term made up by the gays to cover the real truth that there was heterophobia long before."

Seriously, what's your problem man?

Why do you hate heterosexuals? That's a hate crime.

Stop being such a bigot."

"It's my right to love a person of the opposite sex and not have to worry about people getting in my face about it.

I am tired of you bigoted heterophobic people trying to push your crap on my rights.

Go die in a ditch you bigoted, simpleton troll."

"When a man loves a woman, they have every right to a holy matrimony. They also have a legal right to hold hands and kiss each other in public without fear of heterophobic individuals such as yourself telling them they are wrong and forcing their views onto other people.

Individuals like yourself are why bigotism exists in this world."

I know that he is trolling, but clearly for someone to even type such a ridiculous notion means that somewhere in his subconscious he entertains the idea.


Strangely enough I thought that he must have been referring to gays who have a mistrust and/or dislike for a person based soley on their sexual orientation being heterosexual and in that context I would understand more why the term heterophobic existed (even though it doesn't exist even as a slang term as of yet.)
When I came out years ago after having been married and having a daughter I was surprised by some of the attitudes and comments made to me in a derogotory way by some of the gay guys I met. It usually at a social gathering (club, party) when I told them I had been married they would say "to a woman?,a fish?" And when I told them I had a daughter they'd look at me in disgust and say "oh and you're a "BREEDER too." That was back in the late 1980's so I would think at this point in time that attitude would no longer exist, mainly because the gay generation of men and women coming of age now have so much more acceptance and tolerance then they did back in the 1970's when I was growing up.


Thanks for the heads up I'm not on this board that often so I'm not aware of the trolls, but I will add him now to my ignore list. Life is too short to tolerate hatred and intolerance of others.


Maybe he's on the defense because he's tired of being labeled a homophobe simply because maybe, just maybe he doesn't agree with the Gay and Lesbian lifestyle?

Just throwing that possibility out there.


I don't agree with the beliefs of the Mormon faith so I guess that makes me a Mormonaphobic.


Yes it exists. Various forms of feminism are heterophobic, from radical and lesbian-feminism that outright considers men the enemy, to third-wave feminism whose primary focus seems to be what they call street harassment and rape culture. Street harassment can simply be a man saying hello or giving a woman a compliment according to these people. And rape culture can simply be a man singing a romantic song to a woman according to people like Anita Sarkeesian. Not to mention feminist comments about all men being potential rapists, or people who consider consensual sex rape.

Homophobia is much more common though, of course.


That's sexism, not heterophobia.

Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.


Splitting hairs.

I'll never forget an Anita Sarkeesian video where she gets down on guys who sing romantic songs to women. Her gripe with the music was something along the lines of that it was "creepy" when it wasn't anything other than just romantic music. Unbelievable. When the same exact lyrics were reversed and it was a woman singing to a man, then it was bad because it means a woman loves a man 😱 implying that women should be independent.

Then there are the people who complain about men who politely say hello and give compliments to women, calling it harassment or sexism. It's like these people don't want the human race to reproduce.


I would only call it heterophobia if they're attacking straight people, regardless of gender. They're attacking men, so it's not really the same thing.

Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.
