MovieChat Forums > Classic TV: The 00s > They say and do anything on TV nowadays....

They say and do anything on TV nowadays.

I was watching TBS or USA and they were showing Crank part 1. I didn't think they would show certain scenes but they did. For those of you that have scene Crank it is not a family movie but they showed the one public sex scene I wasn't sure if they showed he car scene were the girl go down on Chev (Jason Stathom). Back in the 80's and 90's they used to block these things or have a way of skipping over those parts.

Reality shows.....they are always saying and doing some crazy stuff I heard one of the ladies actually say dick on the show and they didn't block it out.


Just talking about this yesterday with my mother....she was complaining about a really nasty movie she saw on some cable station (LMN, probably), in which
teenagers were playing "truth or dare" and one teen was told to relieve himself
on his school principal's front door or something like that. She then lamented
at how awful kids are today, according to the TV movies. I then told her about
the movie I watched on prime-time broadcast TV back in 1974, either on ABC or NBC, when I was 12 years old.
It was called Born Innocent and starred Linda Blair, and something happens in this movie that is so awful I'm not even going to mention it here.
The more graphic parts of that scene in the movie allegedly inspired a real-life copycat incident, and
it was cut out of subsequent TV showings (but the movie itself continued to
be shown on late-night TV broadcasts, and it wasn't too hard to figure out
what was going on in the scene). But whenever people complain about the stuff
on cable TV today, I think about some of the stuff they were showing nearly 40
years ago on network TV before 10 PM.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



I heard of that movie I never watched it. I'll have to see if they have the full movie on youtube. That is terrible if they were showing stuff like that before 10 PM.


For me it started with the Calvin Klein ad when they melted the ice cube in the woman's cleavage.


I think I remember that commercial


Yes, I find myself cringing when I see a lot of stuff these days.

In much the same way as my elders did when I was younger.. but visa vis sexual content - how far can the youth go to shock their parents who, after all, invented sexual liberation?

Also, I blame the proliferation of increasingly animalistic porn which is ever easier to find.

Television reflects popular culture, otherwise it is not relevant to the younger viewers (I refer to people under 50!).

Well, that's my tuppence-worth.
