MovieChat Forums > Classic TV: The 00s > Greatest TV villains of the past decade

Greatest TV villains of the past decade

My picks:
Marlo Stanfield (The Wire)
Gus Fring (Breaking Bad)
Gyp Rosetti (Boardwalk Empire)
Ralph Cifero (The Sopranos)
Vern Schillinger (Oz)
T-Bag (Prison Break)


Benjamin Linus. Lost
Gretchen. Prison Break
The General. Prison Break
Russell Hantz. Survivor
Esteban. Weeds
Big Jim Rennie. Under the Dome
Isabelle Tyler. 4400


Who was the guy from the Shr- er, Bush administration who refused to shoot down the suicide planes on the Day of Infamy?


Scorpius (Farscape) is the first one that always comes to my mind when this question is asked.

And maybe some Doctor Who villains, like the Daleks and the Weeping Angels.


Brendan Brady (Hollyoaks)


My picks:
Marlo Stanfield (The Wire)
Gus Fring (Breaking Bad)
Gyp Rosetti (Boardwalk Empire)
Ralph Cifero (The Sopranos)
Vern Schillinger (Oz)
T-Bag (Prison Break)

Great picks.

I'd like to add:

The Trinity Killer (Dexter)
Walter White (Breaking Bad - if you can consider him a villain by the show's end)
Jim Moriarty (Sherlock BBC)
The Ice Truck Killer (Dexter)


Gus Fring from Breaking Bad and T-Bag from Prison Break


Yes, Scorpius is one of the best villains ever.


Yes! Brendan was awesome.

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