Whatever Happened to Flipper, The Dolphin Actress? The Lone Survivor
In a book written by former "Flipper" trainer Richard O'Barry, it is divulged that Flipper was not only female, but played by five dolphins: Susie, Patty, Squirt, Scottie and Kathy. It is noted also that the two most frequently used, for the show died while in captivity; Susie was sold after the show and died in a traveling circus, and Kathy died in O'Barry's arms at the Miami Seaquarium from stress and loneliness. The book is titled "Behind the Dolphin Smile." You'll see captive marine animals in a new light after reading this book.
In the 1990s the "original" Flipper was reported by a nationally viewed TV show to be living and performing in a small carnival in Brazil, South America.